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Zhan bragged at the middle aged woman who deals with his meals and yibos meals too, the aunty who saw the total opposite nodded her head though deep down she knew his boss will suffer from food poisoning.

Wang yibo didn't expect his family doctor to be having an important surgery going on, yibo knew if he stays at the house any longer then he will surely be in trouble and xiao zhan who is pregnant will be worried and it won't be good for the baby and xiao zhan himself, calling one of the guard's, yibo left before xiao zhan could finish eating and went directly to the hospital.

Zhan finished eating his lunch, he waited for wang yibo to come downstairs so that they could go out for a walk but after waiting for more than five minutes he didn't see wang yibo, going upstairs to their room, zhan still didn't see him, he was abit worried wondering where his boyfriend went and he didn't even telk him.

"Hey excuse me, do you know where wang yibo is? I checked in the room snd even in his office but he wasn't there." Zhan asked.

"He had something important to do so he left, he instructed me to tell you that you don't have to worry about him and you should take care of yourself." The bodyguard who said what he was instructed to say answered, zhan pouted and walked away not interested in taking a walk anymore.

Yibo was immediately rushed to the emergency room by the doctor's, by the time his family doctor has come to see him, yibo was already in stable condition  and was resting.

"What were you thinking for you to eat something that you knew will land you to the hospital, you should know three simple words when you were told to eat 'no thank you'"

Yibo snorted, no thank you? Not only will he make xiao zhan who genuinely decided to cook for him with lot's of love and he personally served for him sad, he will also end up sleeping on the coach and couldn't get a chance to hug his beautiful boyfriend who always makes his heart melts whenever he sees him and talks to him, how can he refuse something that was prepared by him? He took time to prepare especially for him.

"You won't understand and your are still single that's why your just talking nonsense, once you're in love you wouldn't mind doing everything for your partner to him or her happy, anyway i don't regret landing in the hospital and it's no problem if i will be admitted for the second time." Yibo answered, the doctor looked at the smiling wang yibo who sounded so serious and shook his head.

"This thing called love really does make people crazy."

The doctor left after making sure wang yibo is okay, he still has other thing's to do, yibo called xiao zhan and after coaxing him he finally calmed down the pouting and sad xiao zhan who complained that he wasn't informed or givem a kiss before yibo left.

Several months passed, xiao zhan was already eight month's pregnant, he became heavier and walking around like before made him very tired, his legs are swollen and he doesn't remember the last time he was able to see his feet, he was limited to do a lot of thing's and he needs help from wang yibo.

Zhan parent's and yibo father visits xiao zhan frequently, zhan mother chose to stay at wang yibo residence to help take care of xiao zhan, even though she has only one kid, she still has experience and can't be compared to other's who has experience.

Yibo was careful with jin han he knows even if jin han and his dad hasn't taken any action, they might do anything at anytime, he decided to eliminate the two before xiao zhan gave birth, now that xiao zhan has a month or two to go before giving
birth, he has decided to deal with everything and give his unborn baby a condusive and save environment to live without any problems or worries.

Yibo was less worried with xiao zhan mother around, saying that he is going to a business trip that will last for a week or more, he left and decided to deal with everything early, having his minions spy jin han father hide outs and all his illegal businesses, he was able to deal with thing's easily and before jin han and his dad could take action or think of anything else yibo and his men caught the two who didn't expect to be intercepted in the middle even before they could finish their plan to deal with wang yibo and everyone else.

"I really underestimated you mr yibo, if i knew earlier i could have dealt with you and finish you off!" Jin han dad said sarcastically, wang yibo who was calmly seated and drinking a cup of coffee like he own the house just chuckled.

"Thanks to your dear son that i was able to have some of my men join your gang, luckily after so many year's i have finally captured you." Yibo answered with a smirk on his face, jin han looked at wang yibo with hate, he was just caught just like that.

"Wang yibo! You think your are always so great right? Iam sure xiao zhan didn't tell you the kind of relationship him and i had right? You think you have someone so innocent!"  Jin han who has nothing to lose and was already caught by wang yibo and his future will not be better, since he has failed and it looks like in this life he might end up terribly just like xiao zhan and everyone else said, yibo action of drinking the coffee paused and he looked at jin han whom he has been ignoring.

"Are you trying to provoke me or what? I know you hate the fact that i chose to date him and not lead a celibate life, you should have already realised by now that i will never leave or handover anything from the wangs to someone who is greedy and ambitious." Yibo answered, the secretary who followed the boss slightly panicked with jin han words, he is very sure his boss isn't aware if jin han and xiao zhan love relationship before the two started dating, he is sure his boss didn't finish reading the report about xiao zhan at the time he handed it over.

"Why should i provoke you! What iam saying is the truth! Xiao zhan and i used to ahhh!" Jin han shouted in pain when wang yibos secretary threw a small ball that he was holding hitting jin han face.

"Boss he is talking too much and it's really annoying." The secretary immediately explained not wanting to make his boss suspicious.

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