“I knew something bad was going to happen. UGH! Why didn’t you tell me when we talked that you weren’t feeling good?” He asked.

“I didn’t want you to worry.” I said simply.

“I am more worried now though. Please next time tell me.” He pleaded from the other side of the phone.

“Okay, but let’s hope there isn’t a next time.” I giggled. I heard Harry sigh into the phone.

“What’s wrong?” I asked. I heard him sniffle and take a deep breath.

“Nn-nothing.” He stuttered. Well that was convincing Harry. NOT!

“Yeah okay. Now tell me what’s wrong please.” I begged. I heard him chuckle at the fact I knew he was lying to me.

“It’s just that people in your family who have had their appendix taken out has gotten a really bad infection and has almost died.” Harry cried into the phone. CRAP! I forgot that ran in my family. It’s weird that it has happened to everyone in my family and not just a couple people.

“Well I will just try and avoid that from happening. Plus it usually takes a few days for an infection to form, so you should be home by then so you can take care of me. Well either way whether or not I get an infection you are going to have to take care of me for a little bit when you get home. I doubt I will be able to do much so I don’t pop my stitches.” I said.

“Well let’s hope that you don’t get an infection, but I will be more then happy to take care of my fiancé.” He said. I could almost see the smile on his face.

“I love when you call me that.” I smiled. I heard a noise and turned to my right to see a nurse and Eleanor walking back into my room.

“Allie we need to check your stitches, so you need to get off the phone.” The nurse said. I nodded my head and smiled.

“Harry I have to go. The nurse has to give me a quick check up. I will text you later okay?” I said.

“Okay, I love you and talk to you later fiancé.” Harry laughed at the last part.

“Love you too bye.” I said then hanging up.

“Sorry about that my fiancé is out of town is worried sick.” I smiled at the nurse. She just smiled and started checking my vitals and what not.

“Is he less worried now that he talked to you?” Eleanor asked.

“I wish that was the case, but he is only more worried now. He reminded me that most of my family members who get their appendix taken out usually get an infection and get really sick. My one Aunt was on her deathbed after she had hers taken out. She had to worry about which brother or sister her 2 boys were going to live with.” I said sadly. I hadn’t thought about that in a while. (This really happened to my Aunt. She is perfectly healthy now.)

“Well we will give you stuff that you can do to prevent an infection, but sometimes you still get one. So I will also give you a piece of paper with symptoms of infection.” The nurse said.

“Okay thank you. That would be lovely.” I smiled. Eleanor nodded agreeing.

“Well since your friend here said she will be looking out for you until your fiancé gets home I will show you both how to change your bandage.” The nurse smiled. I looked at Eleanor confused.

“I will be living with you until Harry get’s home.” She stated. Well I guess I don’t have a say in the matter, so I just smiled and nodded.

Harry’s POV

I just hung up the phone with Allie!

“So how is she?” Zayn asked. The lads and I are currently in a van on the way to the venue we are performing tonight.

“She said she is still in pain, but it’s from the surgery now. The nurse is now checking her vitals and stuff.” I smiled.

“Well that’s good.” Niall chipped.

“Why do you still look worried?” Liam asked. Sometimes it sucked that the guys knew me so well.

“Family members of hers that have that surgery get a horrible infection within a couple days of the surgery.” I said.

“Well the fact that Allie knows that is a possibility she can possibly avoid it. Or at least tell the doctors that it seems to run in the family.” Zayn said.

“Yeah, that is true. I’m excited that we have to amazing show tonight, but I’m even more excited I get to fly home in 2 days.” I smiled.

“Very understandable! Just don’t stress Allie out anymore then she probably is.” Louis added. The lads don’t just know me through and through they know Allie as well, and I loved how close they are.

“Alright lads we are here at the venue. You can stop and say hi to the fans for a little bit, but not long.” Paul said from the front passenger seat.

“Awesome. Let’s go!” Niall smiled. I knew the minute we opened the van doors there were going to be LOUD ear piercing screams, but I don’t mind I love our fans. Before we were about to be let out of the van I texted Allie. Literally once I pressed send Paul opened the doors. Time to go meet some of our fans (:

Allie’s POV

The nurse just left my room! She said everything looks good, so I can go home within the hour. I just wanted to get home to my daughter and my own bed.

Harry<3: Hey love! I just wanted to say I LOVE YOU, and that I’m about to go into rehearsals so I won’t be able to get to my phone. Text me when you know when you get to go home. I love you forever and always Xxx –Harry

I really am lucky to have him in my life. I knew he wouldn’t get my text for a bit, but I decided to still text him.

Harry’s POV

The lads and I had to be rushed into the venue, because the crowds got too crazy. It was for the lads and my safety as well as our fans.

“Here is your dressing room. I will come and get you when it’s time for sound check.” Paul said before leaving the room. I walked over to the mini fridge and grabbed a coke then sat down on the couch. I took my phone out of my pocket to see an unread text message from Allie.

Allie<3: I love you too babe! I hope you are having fun with rehearsals. The hospital is releasing me within the hour. Eleanor is apparently staying with me until you get home. 2 more days…….. Have fun tonight and I will talk to you later. XXx

I let out a sigh of relief when I read she was getting to go home soon. That meant she was okay.



So infection after getting you appendix runs in Allie’s family…. (Runs in my family)

Will she get an infection?

 OR will she be the one family member that doesn’t get an infection?

Leave a comment and let me know what you think!

Please VOTE and COMMENT as well.

I will be posting the next chapter tomorrow at some point. I will try to continue to post 2 chapters a day XD



It All Started With A Tattoo Book 2 (2'nd book of Harry Styles FanFic Series)Where stories live. Discover now