Twenty Nine - Aleksander

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*Dedicating this chapter to @8hdxcvzh , thank you so much for the kind message :)*

I came back home to one of my house help rushing to my side. "Your wife has requested you come to see her in your study, which she now calls her own." He said.

It caused a small smile to come to my lips. "Thank you,"

I headed there, wondering what Scarlett could possibly want considering the fact that she was mad at me.

I was about to barge in but ike she said, it's her study so I gave it a soft knock. Then I heard her say come in.

I entered and checked the time which said 11PM. I'm back quite early. "Hunny, I'm home," I teased, causing a small smile on her lips.

"Ha, ha." She said, sarcastically. "Sit." She ordered, and I did as she said. "I went to my father's house." She finally said.

"I know. How was it?" I asked, hoping for some type of good news.

"Well, Calvino and I talked and then my dad talked to me about my mom." She explained. "I read a letter she wrote for me." She added.

I wasn't quite sure whether she wanted me to be supportive in a way against or for her father. "Are you okay?" Is all I asked.

She nodded her head.

"Is that all?"

She shook her head.

I waited for her to feel comfortable talking. "I'm upset with you." She finally confessed.

I rolled my eyes, playfully. "Wow, who would have guessed. We had a great time fucking last night I almost forgot."

"Aleksander I'm trying to be serious with you." She said, sternly.

I finally stiffened up and decided to be 100% serious. No small jokes, teasing or sarcasm.

"I'm angry with you because you kissed Anastasia," She began, mocking her name. "And you seemed to only marry me to get an advantage against my family." She explained.

"For fucksake, I'll clarify, I do not like Anastasia, not in the slightest. I loathe her, she is completely and utterly disgusting. And I did not kiss her she forced herself onto me, which I should quite frankly sue for sexual harrasment."

She snorted. "The ganster wants to sue for sexual harrasment," She mocked.

I rolled my eyes, "Moving on. Who the fuck even told you I kissed her?" I questioned.

She opened her mouth to speak. "Anastasia has," she paused, looking for the right words. "connections with my family, but we always kept our personal business to ourselves, which is why I never knew you two were going to get married." She explained.

"And I just assumed you were using me after I heard you to 'got together'. But there's more."

I rose a brow ready for her to proceed.

"Y-your family killed my mother," She said, softly.

"Excuse me?" I questioned, not believing what I had just heard. "My father would never do such a thing. Call him anything the fuck you want but my father would never do that to your family. In fact your father is a crazy asshole who keeps on sabotaging our family because of stupid reasons."

"You can't talk about my father like that when our parents both belong in the same environment." She snapped.

I scoffed. "Since when did you like your father?"

"Aleksander, do you know for sure your father had nothing to do with my mother's death?" She asked, narrowing her eyes at me which caused me to go still.

I didn't want to lie to her, but I also didn't want to expose my Dad.

"Aleksander." She said, in a warning tone.

"He was involved," I said slowly, hoping she wouldn't start attacking me. "But not in the way you think. Scarlett, I'm not even supposed to know this information, but please calm down as I tell you, okay?"

She didn't respond.

"The reason my parents, my Dad, wanted me to marry Anastasia wasn't just to expand our mafia's and get an advantage towards the Italians. It was because my Dad helped Anastasia's father cover up your mother's death. Your mom died not by accident. I'm not sure why exactly they did it but my father only helped cover it up for a large sum of money which was later stolen by your father."

Her mouth opened in shock as she was trying to register everything I had just said.

"I'm sorry for not telling you this before but when it came to your mother the impression you gave was you didn't give a shit about her." I explained. "But I'm truly sorry."

She began quietly sobbing, putting her face in her hands which caused her heart to ache.

I quickly got up from my seat and walked around to hers and bent down to give her a tight hug. "Hey, you don't need to cry. It wasn't your fault." I tried to condone.

"Yeah, but I would just judge my mother and badmouth her all the time like the stupid brat I was. I'm so stupid and so useless. My mother doesn't deserve me. She was an amazing person. How could they do that to her?" She continued sobbing.

I gave her a tighter squeeze. "It's nothing against you, Scarlett. It's simply your father and they wanted to get back at him by taking away the person he loved the most. I'm so sorry."

"I fucking hate her. I fucking hate Anastasia and her stupid family." She ranted, crying harder into me.

"It's okay, we can kill them." I smiled, causing her to look up at me.

"Really?" She asked, dead serious which slightly scared me. "You'll really help me kill those fuckers?"

Hesitantly, I said, "Yes," But not because I didn't want to hurt Anastasia or anything. But because of the huge war Scarlett would end up causing. "But are you actually serious, Scar?" I asked.

"They need to pay for taking my mother away from me."


I'm literally closing skl tmao so I was going to update tmao, but I haven't updated in a while so here it is!!!

Anyway so I hate Tobias and I also kind of hate Anastasia, so I decided ruining them is better than giving them a shitty redemption arc.

Don't forget to vote and comment!!!!

Also incase I forgot to mention it. I was planning on having luna commit suicide and the letter she gave Scarlett was talking about why she did it basically but I scrapped the idea because Scarlett didn't marry Tobias and it would drag out the story so I made Scarlett's mom give Scarlett a letter. Hope that clears things up :)






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