Author's Note

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Hello everyone
Thank you all so much for choosing to read this book and I really hope you enjoy it.
I am putting a warning on this book because it does contain sensitive subjects like drug abuse, abuse, violence, mature language, possibly smut, torture and other things although I will not be putting warnings before anything that correlates with these subjects happens so read at your own risk if these are sensitive subjects for you.
I do not support nor encourage the use of drugs although that is one of the main points of this story. Due to this there will be in depth descriptions of drug use and abuse.
Please do not report this story as these descriptions of drug abuse and torture (sensitive subjects) give an in depth reason to why Roman is how she is.
All photos throughout the book are not in anyway mine as they have all came from Pinterest.
Throughout the book I will be using goggle translate to translate to Russian, Italian and French so if there are any mistakes my apologies and feel free to correct me at any time.
Please do not steal any of my writing as I spend time on trying to come up with ideas and plots and it is really discouraging to have happen to your story.

Thanks again luvs and I hope you enjoys the story<3

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