"It just happened this morning, so fast," you explained, not ready to admit the full magnitude of your clumsiness, "so I just took myself in-"

"How did you manage that?"

"Hobbled to the elevators and out here and then to the cab?" you replied unsurely as if you hadn't just gone through it a few hours ago, "to be fair, I didn't really know it was broken. I just thought it was a bad sprain or something."

"Oh dear," he opened and closed his mouth a few times, almost as if unsure of himself. You couldn't help but smile lightly at the flustered expression on his face. Before he said anything else, he picked down and picked up your bag, and slung it over his shoulder, "at least let me help you up to your flat so you don't hurt yourself more. Last thing you need is a broken arm on top of it, love."

"Are you sure?" a warmth bloomed in your stomach and slowly radiated out to your entire body as he just nodded and smiled. He was so kind when he had no real reason to be like that; it was a nice change of pace compared to how cold and horrible people could be, "you really don't have to. I can...manage. Just have to take a few moments to rest before going up."

"I insist," he picked up the crutches you had discarded in haste before offering you his hand to help hoist you to your feet - well foot. He was gentle in his touch and movements but still felt solid and strong. Before you could find your balance, you started to fall forward and he quickly caught you by wrapping an arm around your waist and holding you to his chest, "easy there."

"Thank you, Steven," your whole face felt warm under his intent gaze and you had to look away from his soft eyes, "I tend to be pretty clumsy...almost took you right out too."

"You know my name?" his eyes widened as you laughed before nodding. He didn't think anyone paid him enough attention to actually know his name. The thought alone made him feel...something.

"Of course," you grinned, "Steven-with-a-v Grant. You work at the museum gift shop."

"How did...you know that?"

"You've told me," you reminded him, giving him a curious expression. Did he think he was just as invisible as you felt?

"You remembered..."

"Yes," you promised, giving his arm a gentle squeeze, "I wouldn't forget something like that. You're always...nice when we see each other. I like talking with you."

For a moment it seemed like his brain was nothing but fuzzy TV static as he watched you with soft eyes. He whispered your name, and for a moment you were surprised he knew it, but then again if you'd remembered his, naturally he would remember yours. You were starting to feel like you were more similar than you originally thought, "come on, let's get out of the cold and upstairs."

"Yeah, okay," you bit your lip and looked away for a moment before letting him take your hand and slowly help you up the hard concrete stairs. It was difficult with his assistance, you couldn't imagine how hard it would have been without his help. You already felt winded once you were at the top, taking a moment to catch your breath before stuffing the crutches under your arms. Steven held the door open as you slowly (painfully slowly) made your way inside and to the elevator.

"Slow, love, easy does it," he matched his steps to yours, his hand on the small of your back just in case something happened. The kindness and care he showed you was enough to make you want to cry - you knew it wasn't just the pain medications doing that. How wonderful it was to have someone carry out such an act of kindness without asking for a single thing in return.

 How wonderful it was to have someone carry out such an act of kindness without asking for a single thing in return

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