Return ❤️🐑🤍

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(Kun and TEN!)

(Finally he's back!)

9 months

For 9 months, Yangyang had waited that long for his gege to finally return from his trip to China.

Eventhough he's not gonna admit it to anyone that he misses Ten but his eyes can't hide it. Everyone could see how Ten's absence really affects yangyang.

Yangyang misses Ten dearly.

And now, he has return.

"Kun geeeeeeeee why do we have to clean?" Yangyang whined. Although he's ecstatic to meet Ten, he's never the one to clean.

"Because, Ten is coming back today and I want this place to be spotless. Fyi, he believed that we have 'burn the dorm down' and I want to prove to him that he is wrong." Kun said.

After cleaning the apartment, Kun and Yangyang went to see what the others were doing.

Hendery and Xiaojun had just finished putting up a 'Welcome Home Ten!' banner. It was nicely decorated.

"The banner looks amazing guys! When did you guys make this?" Kun said.

"All thanks to our talented yangie. He was the one who made this banner all night." Hendery said.

"Wait really?" Kun said, surprised.

"Is it okay Kun ge? I think it's not pretty." Yangyang asked, worried present in his voice

"I think you did a wonderful job on the banner baby. Ten will definitely love it." Kun smiled, kissing the boy's cheeks lovingly.

"Thank you ge." Yangyang smiled shyly.


"When is Ten ge gonna arrived?" Yangyang asked.

"Soon my dear." Kun ge said.

"Kun geeeeeeeeeeee. Where is Ten ge now?" Yangyang asked again.

"Soon bub. Be patience."

"Is he here yet?"


"I know I know, i'm sorry. I'll wait now." Yangyang pouted sadly. Kun sighed and gently carried yangyang in his arms, rubbing his back in comfort.

"Oh bub, I know you can't want to see Ten ge. I can assure you that he will arrived any minute n-"

"I'M HOME!" Ten shouted as he open the door. Yangyang immediately spin around as soon as he heard his beloved gege's voice.

"OMG TEN GE!! TEN GE IS HERE!!" Yangyang screamed and quickly got out of Kun's arms. He instantly ran to him and embrace the person who was gone for far too long.

"Well hello to you too my baby. I miss you so much!"

"I miss you too ge! I miss you a lot..." Yangyang said, hugging his ge even tighter.

For 9 months, yangyang was longing for Ten's hugs.

He's glad that his gege is finally back home.

Ten looked down to see yangyang crying his heart out and hugged the boy even tighter, his tears too falling down.

"p-please don't leave yangie again..."

"I won't baby, I promise." Ten said, kissing yangyang on the head.

Others were smiling as they watch the scene unfold. It warms their hearts to see that Ten was finally back home and especially with their baby yangyang. They all knew how much Yangyang misses Ten.

Ten returning back to Korea will defnitely make NCT and the fans happy again

Author's note
Hey everyone☺️
After being on hiatus for 4 months
i experienced a lot of ups and downs during college

I thought i could write during my theory block but semester 3 is really taking a toll on me.
I was tired physically and mentally.
But despite being tired, I still managed to find happiness and fun in between.

Now i'm having my 1 week mid sem break and i only managed to write one story.
I'm sorry if it isn't enough🥺.
I think i will still be on hiatus for the next few months due to college.

I hope everyone can wait for me to return!

❤️🐑🤍Love you all so much❤️🐑🤍

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