Caught ❤🐑🤍

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All the NCT members were in a practice room having their lunch break.

Everyone was doing their own bussiness when suddenly....

"You guys want to hear a funny story?" Johnny asked out of nowhere.

Some slightly nodded, some were not even interested.

"We all know that I owned a small refrigerator in my studio right?"
Everyone nodded

"Soooooooooo, Taeil made brownies yesterday."

Everyone's ears perked up at the mention of brownies.

"It's not for you guys." Johnny rolled his eyes. Everybody growned

"But that's not the point. This morning I decided to bring some brownies and I remember that I put them in the refrigerator before practice. But somehow when I went back, IT WAS GONE!"

Yangyang and Haechan, who were playing a game, immediately look at each other, eyes widen in shock.


Before practice, Haechan and Yangyang quietly sneaked into Johnny's studio.

"Are you sure we are doing the right thing hyung?"

"Yangie, trust me. Johnny won't even know his brownies are gone. He's too old."

"Haechan, that's not nice." Yangyang chuckled.

Once they both have entered Johnny's studio, Haechan walked towards the mini refrigerator. He quickly searched for what he was looking for before bringing it to yangyang.

"Yangie! look what I got!"
Haechan open the container lid and inside were a few chocolate brownies.

"OMG brownies! Who made these?"

"Taeil made this yesterday and it was AMAZING. There are 6 here so we can take one each and leave the other 4 for Johnny. He won't notice the difference."

"Hmmm I don't know hyuck."
Yangyang was hesitant

"Trust me yangie. Here, open you mouth." Haechan hold up a piece of brownies to yangie.

Yangyang hesitantly open his mouth as Haechan gently feed him. His eyes instantly lit up.

Yangyang said, unconsiously taking another brownie, followed by haechan.

"RIGHT! I don't even know what Taeil put in this." Haechan said with his mouth full.

"Ew haechan that's disgusting."
Yangyang laughed at how Haechan looks with his mouth full.

While they both were too immersed in their conversation, they weren't aware at how much they were eating.
When yangyang was about to take another brownie, he froze.

The container was empty

"Haechan...where did the brownies go?"
Yangyang asked, slowly looking at Haechan and back to the empty container.

"...oh no..." said the two scared boys in unison.

"I will give you 5 minutes to come out and confess to me or there will be consequences. Starting now."

All the members quickly scan the room, trying to find anyone who seems suspicious. Yangyang and Haechan tried to avoid any eye contact and just kept looking around the room.

YANGYANG × WAYV/NCTWhere stories live. Discover now