Little's day off ❤🐑🤍

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(Xiaojun, Kun, Hendery)

(Sorry if it's short and simple🥺)

It was WayV's day off.

Which means yangyang finally gets to be little!

Xiaojun enters yangyang's room to see the boy, still in his sheep onesie, happily watching a show.

"Hey baby, what are you doing?" Xiaojun asked as he sit down beside him.

"Yangie wutching bears ge! So cuteeeeeeee." Yangyang smiled, showing it to Xiaojun.

"Not as cute as my baobei." Xiaojun pinched the little's cheeks causing the boy to giggle. Xiaojun placed yangyang on his lap as they both continue to watch the show.

"Gege yangie hungwy..." Yangyang softly whined after they finish an episode.

"Come baby, let's see what Kun ge has cook for us." Xiaojun carried the younger in his arms as they walked to the kitchen.

Xiaojun was about to ask Kun what was for lunch but Kun beat him to it.
"There's kimchi fried rice for us and dino nuggets for yangyang." Kun said with his back still facing them.

(It was like Kun has eyes in the back of his head. Scary)

Yangyang eyes lit up at the mention of nuggets.

"Dino nuggiessss!" Yangyang screamed as he tries to get out of Xiaojun's hold.

"Hold on bub, your nuggies won't run away." Xiaojun chuckled as he placed the little on his chair.

"Dino nuggies and watermelon juice all for my one and only baby!" Kun said, placing the food infront of him.

"Thank chu Kunnie ge!" Yangyang smiled happily at him.

"You're welcome bub." Kun ruffled the boy's hair before started eating.

Kun and Xiaojun were talking among each other as yangyang silently enjoyed his meal.

Once everyone was finished, Kun cleaned up the table and Xiaojun carried the little to the living room. But was stopped halfway when he heard the younger softly whine.

"What's wrong baby? Do you need anything?"

"...wheres hendewy ge?..." Yangyang said, yawning and rubbing his eyes in the process.

"Hendery is in his room. Do you want to take a nap with him bub?" Xiaojun noticed the little was getting sleepy.

Yangyang nodded sleepily.
Xiaojun made his way to Hendery's room and opened the latter's door. Hendery who was on his phone, immediately stood up as he saw the little.

"Someone here wants to sleep with you." Xiaojun gently bounced the boy.

"Aww come here baby." Hendery took yangyang from xiaojun's arms and placed the little's head on his shoulders.
He hummed a soft melody as he slowly rocked the little in his arms. Soon, yangyang's eyes started to close.

"Goodnight my baby yangie. Gege loves you very much."

"Wuv u too gege..wuv evewyone so much..." Yangyang mumbled back, hugging hendery closer before drifting off to sleep.

Hendery smiled and cooed at the little boy before laying him down on his bed and covers him with a blanket. He slid in and cuddles the boy before he too goes to sleep.

Author's note
My friend was diagnosed with covid and now i need to be isolated huhuhu

So since i was bored, i decided to write!
Sorry if it was short and simple🥺

Hope you like the story


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