Thunderstorm ❤️🐑🤍

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(Yangyang looks so damn hot⬆️ with green hair)

Whenever there is a thunderstorm,
Yangyang will somehow automatically wake up in the middle of the night.

It was like nature wanted him to hear those loud noises.

You could say after countless of nights forced to stay up because of the dumb thunderstorm, Yangyang has develop a slight fear.

Throughout his life living with his members, he had never ever mention about his phobia. He thinks it's dumb and childish for a guy to be scared of a little storm.

So he would usually just sit on his bed, cover himself with blankets and wear his headphone to blocked out the loud thunder. His sheep plushie will be his companion

Unfortunately this time, the storm was really bad. The thunder was continuous, showing no sign of stopping soon.

He needs someone

He needs his geges

Everyone in the dorm was surprisingly sleeping peacefully despite the loud storm literally right outside their window.

"Ten ge...gege...wake up..."

Ten tiredly woke up from his sleep, slowly adjusting to his surrounding before looking at the person shaking him.
The person was covered with a blanket while holding a sheep plushie.

"y-yangie that you? Why are you awake-"
Suddenly, lightning flashed around them and a thunder rumbles loudly outside their window, frightening the already scared boy.
Ten noticed the way how yangyang flinched and covers his ears.
Ten instantly knew what was going on.

"Yangie, are you scared?"

Yangyang slowly nodded, eyes glistering with tears.

"Aww my poor baby."
Ten gently lift him up and place him on his lap. Ten instantly wrapped his arms around the shaking boy, making sure yangyang feels safe and sound in his arms.


Yangyang whimpered at the loud thunder, hugging Ten even closer.

"Don't be scared my baby. You're safe. I'm here. Gege is not going anywhere."


"so loud ge..."

"I know baby, it's just for a while. It will go away soon." Ten softly said, kissing his forehead and gently rubbing his back to calm him down.

"Stay with me"


They stayed hugging like this until the storm started to die down. Ten never once leave yangyang's side and was there for him throughout the storm.

Yangyang was exhausted but thankfully he wasn't scared anymore. Thanks to his amazing gege.

"Baby, why didn't you tell us you were afraid of storms? We could have help you this whole time."

"...It's dumb ge...adults can't be afraid of storms."

"Hey, it's not a crime for someone to be afraid of something and it's definitely not dumb. I'm afraid of fruits. Do you think my phobia is dumb yangie?"


"See, it's normal baby. Everyone has their own fears. Next time, if you're scared, come to us. We geges will always be there to help you."

"I will gege. Thank you for helping me."

"Anything for you my baby. Do you want to sleep with me tonight?"

"Yes please..." Yangyang said, giving Ten a tired smile. Ten and yangyang went under the covers and as usual,
they cuddle on the bed.

"I love you ge..." Yangyang yawned as he could feel sleep taking over him.

"I love you too yangie."
Ten gave a soft kiss at his forehead and cuddled closer. The two boys closed their eyes as they started to drift to dreamland.

Author's note
Actually I do have a fear of thunderstorms and it scares me
Soooo what i do is i will spam messages to my friends 😂
And surprisingly it helps me

Hope you guys enjoy this story!

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