Basketball ❤🐑🤍

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Since Nct Dream and WayV were on holiday, Chenle decided to invite yangyang for a game of basketball.

Chenle had always wanted to play with yangyang because of his amazing basketball skills after seeing the WINformation video. He was determined to have a match with him.

The two boys have arrived at the indoor basketball court.

"Hey yangie hyung. Are you ready to lose?"

"Not a chance dolphin. You're on!"


Throughout the game, it was certainly proven that these two were incredible basketball players. The scores were always neck and neck, nobody could tell who was gonna win.
In the end, yangyang manage to win by 1 point.
(Please dont be mad at me for not knowing how basketball works for 2 people😅)

Despite all that, Chenle and Yangyang had such a fun time. Once the game was over, the two boys were exhausted and decided to rest.

"That was fun! You're such a great basketballer yangie ge."

" You too chenle! I had a blast. Would you like a drink? It's my treat."

"Sure. Thanks yangie ge!"

Yangyang went to the vending machine at the end of the hallway to buy the drinks.
While waiting for yangyang, Chenle decided to do an experiment. He wonder if he could throw the ball into the basket with his eyes closed.

For his first try, it went quite well. The ball manage to went in. However, the second try was a disaster. Unfortunately, chenle didnt notice that yangyang had just came back with the drinks. Chenle blindly threw the ball with a bit force which caused it to go over the board, where the main door was.

"Chenle I got your favo-" He didn't get to finish his sentence as the fast moving ball had hit yangyang directly on his forehead.

"YANGYANG!" Chenle ran to the fallen sheep on the ground. Yangyang was slowly falling into unconsciousness.


"Woah....I could see two of you. Hey other chenle...nice to meet youuuu"

"Oh no...Wayv Ge is going to kill me."

"Nooooooo they won'tttt. Yangie ge will protect y-youu.. " and he passed out.

Chenle quickly reach out for his phone and call Kun ge.

"Kun ge, I think we have a problem."

Many hours later..

Yangyang finally woke up with a massive headache and an ice pack placed on his forehead.

"Urgh my head.. "

"Yangie hyung! Thank god you're okay. I thought you died!"
Chenle threw his arms around the confused sheep, hugging him as he was relief that yangyang had finally woke up.

"What happened?"

"Wellllll, I might have accidentally hit your head with a basketball. I swear it was an accident. I didn't notice you were at the door since you eyes were closed. Please don't be mad at me yangie ge. I'm so so sorry. Please forgive me."

Chenle red and puffy eyes were at the verge of tears again. It was evident that he has been crying. He felt extremely guilty for the incident that happen to yangyang.

"Aww dolphin. Don't feel bad. Yangie ge is not mad at you at all. See, I'm fine now. Just a little bump on the head but it will go away.
Im sorry that I made you scared and worried. Please don't cry anymore okay chenle. It makes me sad to see you cry."

Yangyang gently wiped away the tears that is falling on the dolphin's cheeks.

"It's okay yangie ge. I'm just glad and happy that you are alright. Next time I promise I will be even more careful and beware of my surroundings. And of course, open my eyes."

"That's good Chenle. Uhm, if you don't mind, can we cuddle please? I think cuddles makes me feel better."

"Of course! Anything for my yangie ge.
Chenle quickly lay beside yangyang on the sofa and they both were locked in an embrace.

"I love you so much yangie ge. You're the best ge ever!"

Just like Jisung, as soon as heard those words, he let out a happy scream except this time Chenle joined in. Let's just say, it was freaking loud.

Kun and Ten in their bedroom, sighing.
"Not again."

Authors note
Hey guys! Sorry for the long update.
Ever since I have disney plus I can't stop watching so many shows and movies😂 I'm addicted
Hope you guys enjoy the story!

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