Sad ❤️🐑🤍

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Jaehyun woke up feeling sad.

He doesn't understand why he was upset. Maybe because he was overwhelmed with everything that is going on for their upcoming comeback.
Non stop practices, recordings, photoshoot. All of this is starting to take a toll on him.

When the group finally had a day off, Jaehyun couldn't help but wake up feeling gloomy. He was tired and all he wanted right now is to cuddle with his baby Yangyang.

Eventhough Jaehyun can easily walk to the younger's dorm, he didn't. It's yangyang's day off too and Jaehyun doesn't want to bother him on his rest day.

He feels like he is a disturbance to yangyang.

Jaehyun was currently sitting on his bed, mind blank while looking at the ceiling. He was in a state where he doesn't want to go or do anything.
He didn't notice the other members peeking from behind the door.

"We need to help him. What can we do?" Doyoung said.

"Should we call Yangyang for help?" Haechan ask the group.

"I think that's what he needs. It's been a while since yangyang has come here and spend time with Jaehyun." Taeil said, looking at the depressed Jaehyun.

"I'll go call him right now."
Taeyong took out his phone and dialed yangyang's number.

Minutes later, yangyang arrived.

"Jaehyyunnie!" Yangyang walked in into Jaehyun's room and immediately hug the older.

"Yangieee baby! Why are you here?"

"Can't I see my favourite hyung in the whole wide world? I miss you so much hyung."
(WayV members are shaking)

"I miss my baby too." Jaehyun pulled yangyang to sit on his lap, wrapped his arms around yangyang and nuzzle his head into the crook of yangyang's neck. Jaehyun missed cuddling with his baby sheep. This was what he needed today.

"Are you okay Jaehyunnie?"

"No...... "Jaehyun eyes started to fill with tears and soon he was crying on the younger's neck.

"Hyunnie, what's wrong?" Yangyang worriedly ask. It was a rare sight to see Jaehyun like this.

"I don't know yangie. I don't know why I'm feeling sad. Too much is going on and I feel like everything is going so fast. It's stressing me out yangie." Jaehyun was sobbing. His cries broke Yangyang's heart.

"Just let it all out hyunnie. Don't keep all your sadness inside you. I'm here for you." Yangyang gently rub Jaehyun's back to comfort him.

After a while, his cries has stopped and he started to calm down.
"I'm sorry you have to see me like this."

"Why are you saying sorry for hyunnie. Everyone have bad days, even me. We just need to find some ways to overcome it and let go of all the stress."
Yangie said as he hug the older.

"Why didn't you call me though. I could have come here as fast as i can. Taeyong hyung said you need me."

"...I didn't want to bother you on your day off. I'm don't want to be disturbance."

Yangyang couldn't believe his ears.
Never in his whole life would he ever consider Jaehyun as a disturbance. Yangyang was shocked to hear this coming from his hyung.

"Jaehyun hyung. Listen to me.
You will NEVER EVER be a disturbance to me. You are very special to me and I wouldn't change it for the world. You make my life so much happier and I'm grateful to have you in my life hyung.
Please never say that again."
Yangyang gave Jaehyun a kiss on the cheeks making Jaehyun smile for the first time today.

"I'm sorry yangie. I promise I won't say it again. I'm grateful too to have the best baby in the whole wide world to stay by my side. What did I do to deserve you yangie?" Jaehyun lovingly hug his baby and kissed his temple.

"I love you so much baby."

"I love you too Jaehyunnie"

For the whole day, Jaehyun and yangyang spend their time happily cuddling on the bed.

Jaehyun definitely felt a lot better.

Authors note
Heyy guys
Fyi: I have a short test today.
and surprisingly, I did quite well

I have another test though the day after tomorrow. Urghhh

Hope you guys enjoy the story!

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