Little nightmare ❤🐑🤍

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(95 liners - Johnny, Taeyong, Yuta)
(Requested by yangyangisherenow)

Yangyang is a little.

NCT's little 💚

It was just after he debut that he told everyone about his little secret.
Yangyang thought everyone will hate him for it but he thought wrong.

Once he revealed his little secret, he was instantly showered with lots of love from all the members. They adored him even more and had swear to protect their little baby at all costs.


All WayV members except yangyang had plans today so no one could take care of him.

Kun decided to asked the others if they can babysit yangyang for a while.
Not a minute later, Jonny, Taeyong and Yuta were already at the door, voluntering themselves.

"That was fast..." Kun said, furrowing his eyebrows.

So that's how little yangyang ended up with these three hyungs.

Everything was going well.

They played games, ate lunch, watch cartoons and even made a pillow fort. Yangyang had lots of fun with his hyungs.

Until it was nap time

Right now, little yangyang was sprawled on the living room floor, happily colouring while Johnny, Yuta and Taeyong were watching TV.

"Yangie, it's time for your nap." Taeyong said, sitting beside the younger.

Yangyang immediately look at Taeyong, eyes widen in fear.

"noo..." Yangyang said, shaking his head.

"But yangie loves nap time right?" Taeyong tilted his head in confusion. Yangyang wasn't the one to whine during nap time.

"yangie don wan...scawy..." Yangyang continuous to shakes his head. Tears already welled up in his eyes, threatening to fall.

Taeyong was about to ask him why when Yangyang let out a sob and was soon started crying.

"Aww baby." Taeyong pick up the little and rock him in his arms.
As soon as Yuta and Johnny heard yangyang's cries, they instantly ran to the crying boy.

"What's wrong Tae?" Johnny asked

"Is he hurt?" Yuta asked.

Taeyong shook his head.
"He's scared."

"Bub, can you tell hyungie why yangie is scared?" Yuta asked.

"...nightmawe...scawy...huwts..." Yangyang started to sob even more at thought of his nightmares.

This past few days, yangyang has been having nightmares. Waking up in the middle of the night, crying.
(crying, crying, crying).
Which is why he's afraid to fall asleep.

"Shhh calm down baby. Breath in and breath out for me okay."
Taeyong continues rocking him and slowly rub the boy's back to calm him down.

It breaks all their hearts to see their baby crying.

"Yangie baby, there's nothing to be scared of. The nightmares are not real. Besides, you have me, Yuta and Johnny hyungie to protect you from them. We will always be there for you little one."

Yangyang slowly nodded as he started to slowly calm down.

"Thank chu. but yangie still don wan sweep..." Yangyang said quietly, clutching Taeyong's shirt.

"It's okay bub. We won't take a nap.
Why don't we take a warm bath instead? Yangie loves bath right!" Taeyong said joyfully.

Yangyang eyes instantly lit up at the mention of bath. He happily nodded as he slightly bounced.

"yangie wan bath pwease!!" Yangyang said, excitedly.

"Of course you can bub. Now, who does yangie want to take a bath with?"

"hmmm Johnny hyungie pwease?"
Yangyang made grabby hands towards Johnny and Johnny happily took yangyang from Taeyong arms and carried him to the bathroom.
Taeyong and Yuta helped set up a warm bath.

Johnny gently placed yangyang inside the tub and took something out from the cabinet.

"Yangie look what i have!" Johnny showed him his set of favourite toys.

"aahhhhhhh Duckies!!" Yangyang giggled, clapping happily.

Skip bath time

"So what does my baby want to wear today?" Johnny asked, looking at yangyang who is covered with towels.

"yangie wan wear sheep!" Yangyang said excitedly.

Johnny looked inside the closet and saw a sheep onesie.

"Is it this one bub?" Johnny asked.
Yangyang happily nodded.
Johnny helped him get dressed before looking at him.

"Aww my baby is so adorable!" Johnny squealed, pincing yangyang's cheeks.
Johnny lift up yangyang and carried him back into the living room.

"OMG! " Yuta squealed, running towards them.

"Aww our baby is such a cutie tonight." Taeyond said, smiling as he caress his cheeks.

Yangyang blushed and shyly buried his face in Johnny's neck.

"I think my uwu's is bursting!" Yuta internally screamed at the sight of the shy boy.

"hyungie me hungwy..." Yangyang said, looking at Yuta.

"Do you want milk yangie?" Yuta asked. Yangyang nodded. Yuta quickly went to the kitchen and heated up a bottle of milk that Kun has prepared earlier.

When the milk is done, Yuta took the milk back to the living room.
He was about to call yangyang but stopped when he was met with a cute sight.

Yangyang was on Taeyong's lap, giggling happily at Johnny who was making silly faces.

'He is so precious.' Yuta smiled fondly at the boy.

Yangyang's cries were now replaced with giggles and laughters and the three hyung wouldn't want it any other way.

"Here your bottle bub." Yuta handed the bottle to Yangyang but he quickly refused, before making grabby hands at Yuta.

"You want to sit with me?"
Yangyang nodded. Yuta gently lifted him up before placing him on his lap. Yuta handed the milk to yangyang before cuddling closer.

A few minutes later, the bottle is finished and Yuta could see that yangyang's eyes were starting to close.

"Is my baby sleepy?" Yangyang nodded sleepily. Yuta placed the bottle on the table before getting his paci.

"Here's your paci bub." Yuta placed the pacifier inside yangyang's mouth and started rocking him to sleep.

"thank chu hyungies... luv wu all vewy much..." Yangyang whispered, smiling before drifting to sleep.

"We all love you too yangie." Taeyong said, as they all kissed his forehead.

Yuta carries the sleeping boy to his room and lay him on his bed that was filled with plushies. Johnny covers him with a blanket and the three of them just stood there, smiling affectionately with love in their eyes as they watch their baby sleeping peacefully.

No nightmares dared to scare him now.

Authors note
I hope this story was okay🥺 Thank you so much to the one who requested this
I'm actually into little space lately so here is little yangyang!

Hope you enjoy the story

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