Soulmates ❤🐑🤍

706 16 22

(Xiaojun, Hendery, Ten)
(Requested by sunoosunshineuwu )

Once you turn 18, there is a believe that you would meet your soulmate in your dreams.

Yangyang didn't believe it at first, thinking it's just fake things people say.
However, when his birthday arrived, he didn't expect his soulmates would turn up in his dream.


More than one

At first, he could only see two figures in the distance and the dream would stopped there. However, as he kept dreaming, he slowly managed to get closer and closer until one day, he finally reach them.

He gets a good look of his soulmates faces and was stunned.


Yangyang woke up abruptly, eyes wide and heart beating fast. It was his first time seeing their faces.

And he's already in love

"Not gonna lie, they are actually really handsome." Yangyang whispered, blushing at the thought of them.

"Okay, so let me get this straight. I have two soulmates. Is this normal? Is having two soulmates weird. Aren't soulmates suppose to be only one?"
Yangyang said, thinking out loud.

Yangyang quickly checked google.
It says that it's a very special gift to those who have two soulmates.

"I'm special? It can't be..."

Yangyang quickly texted Ten to meet him asap.
(Stan STAYC)

"Hey Yangie!" Ten said, as he naturally walks into Yangyang's apartment.

"GE-! Don't you ever knock? You scared me!" Yangyang said, holding his chest in surprise.

"Hehehe sorry baby. So, why did u text me at 5am in the morning to meet you? Is something wrong?"

"...Gege, can i ask you a question?..." Yangyang shyly asked, looking down and playing with his fingers.

"Sure baby. What is it about?" Ten frowned at the younger's action. He has never seen yangyang become so shy.

"Uhm, when you turned 18, did you dream about anyone. Most specifically your soulmate?" Yangyang asked, looking at Ten with curious eyes.

Ten smiled
"I assume you dream about your soulmate too right?"

"Too? Wait-you have those dreams too ge?"

"Of course baby. I remembered my mom told me about it when I was a kid. At first I didn't believe her. But when I turned 18, i dreamed about my soulmate. Coincidentally, he went to the same uni as I did so we met, fell in love and now he's my boyfriend!"

(Kunten people)


"Wow, that's amazing ge. I wish I could meet mine someday."

"And you will. It just takes time yangie."

"But ge...why do I keep dreaming about two people? Are both of them my soulmates? Is it normal? Am i weird?"

"Baby, listen to me. I know that having two soulmates is very rare but that doesn't mean you're weird. It means you're special Yangie. Your fate was destined to be with those two and I know that you will definitely find true happiness when you're with them. I can assure you that."

"Thank you so much ge for those lovely words. You're the best." Yangyang said happily, hugging Ten.

"You're welcome my baby." Ten smiled, hugging him back.

That night, Yangyang went to sleep with the determination to meet his two soulmates.

Once he was dreaming, he tried so hard to stay longer so he could see their faces again.

'So handsome....'

However, what yangyang didn't know is that he's been dreaming for far too long.

He overslept

And to make it worse, it was yangyang's first day of university.

"OH SHIT I'M GONNA BE LATE!" Yangyang panicked, looking at his alarm clock. He has 10 minutes before his class starts.

Thankfully he lives near the university so if he run, he'll arrived just in time.
Yangyang quickly get ready and ran as fast as he can to his classroom. But as he was about to turn the corner, he accidentally bumped into someone's back and fell down.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to be in the way-" someone said, helping the fallen boy. Yangyang felt 4 arms holding him up.

"It's okay. I'm the one who was runni-" He looked up to see who has helped him when suddenly he froze.
He was super shocked that he can't register anything he is seeing right now.

'It can't be...'

Standing infront of him

In real life

Was his soulmates

"OH MY GOD!" The three of them said in unison, eyes wide as they stared at each other. Shivers running down their spine as goosebumps rises on their arms.

"It's y-you. You guys...are here...omg this can't be i still dreaming?" Yangyang hit his forhead in an attempt to 'wake up' before it was stopped by Hendery.

"Nope, you're not dreaming. We're not dreaming. This is real." Hendery smile as he held onto yangyang's hands.

"I can't believe we finally found you, our other soulmate. You don't know how long we have waited for this moment." Xiaojun said, smiling joyfully with tears in his eyes.

Hendery and Xiaojun are childhood friends and lovers. They both have been dreaming about Yangyang ever since they both turned 18.
When they told each other about him, they were more than happy that there was another one in their relantionship.

They have waited so long for yangyang to show up.

And he finally did

The three of them didn't have a single clue that today was the day they were gonna met. Plus, studying in the same uni,

This three was fated to be together.

Fate is such a funny thing.

"Hi, I'm Hendery!"

"And I'm Xiaojun!"

"I'm Yangyang and you both are my soulmate!" Yangyang smiled cheerfully, finallly getting to meet the boys in his dream.

Author's note
My first request and
I think i did a bad job though


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