Well, maybe, we never actually figured it out, but she gave off really bad vibes and I told Ally to stay away from her.

Continuing to watch, I noticed how she was acting a little strange. She was just standing there doing nothing besides drinking some wine. Her eyes roamed around the whole room as if she was searching for someone. Or maybe she was waiting for something.

After a while, she still stood there finishing her drink, but suddenly, she turned around. As she placed her empty glass down and I watched as she took out something from her purse. I couldn't quite see what it was but as she did this, she was looking around to make sure no one was looking.

Taking out the items, she rips it open and starts pouring whatever it is, into all the drinks that were there. This alarmed me since I had no idea what she was putting in them. But just as quickly as she put whatever it was in the drink, she left.

I followed her with my eyes as I saw her make her way out of the room as if she was never there. Returning my view back to where she was, I already see a few people gathered at the bar and taking a sip of wine. But that wasn't the only thing that caught my eye: it was the packet of whatever she put in those drinks lying on the floor.

Flash forward to after the party

The party went on for a while after Ally was taken to the hospital. It was such a big commotion that it was impossible to not know what was going on.

As I got off the phone with Jungkook updating me about Ally, my mind couldn't stop thinking back to the incident I saw earlier with that girl. The more I thought about it, I started to feel something. I felt uneasy.

To ease whatever I'm feeling, I decided to go back to the bar where she was at. The staff were just barely cleaning up so thankfully they haven't done anything major. As I make it to the bar, I look carefully on the ground as I try to look for the packet that she dropped. I was hoping that maybe it would give me answers to anything.

Ally had an allergic reaction. The only things she managed to consume at the party were a few finger foods and the wine that was contaminated with whatever was put in there. From what I've heard, she's extremely allergic to milk and is always careful with what she eats, but no one knows how she has consumed dairy.


Just as I was about to finish up my theory, I stopped as I spotted the white packet. Picking it up quickly, I noticed how she used every last bit of it. I examined the side that was facing up but there was nothing but pointless words. As soon as I turned to look at the other side, I felt my body get a little cold suddenly.

Right there in bold letters we're the words: Powdered Milk.

Well, this just got interesting.

End of flashback

Aria's P.O.V.

I stood there in shock as I saw Yoongi pull out the packet from his pocket and show it to me. Grabbing it from him, I look at it as I suddenly start to feel anger build up inside me.

"You're sure you saw her do it?"


All I saw was red.

I was so enraged and infuriated. There wasn't a word accurate enough to describe what I was feeling at this moment. All I knew was that I was going to kill that b**ch.

As I make my way out of the room, I start to carefully roam the hallways. Despite Yoongi's pleas and attempts to stop me, I couldn't and I had no intention of doing so.

After walking and trying to look for her, I spotted her with her friends. The worst part was that she was laughing with them as if she didn't try to purposely kill Ally last night.

I make my way towards her as I clench onto that packet.


She sets her view on me as I continue to take longer strides towards her. As soon as I reach her, I take my hand and everything I have in me and swat it across her face making her head turn from the impact.

Yoongi's P.O.V.

Oh sh*t!

Aria's P.O.V.

"What the hell is your problem?!" She was furious.

"It was you all along, huh?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Just cut the act. I know about the packet of powdered milk that you put in Ally's drink last night!"

I watched her carefully as she just stood there saying nothing.

"Do you really hate Ally so much that you were willing to even kill her?"

"Do you have any proof? As far as I know, an empty packet isn't enough evidence to prove your crazy assumption."

She did not. Suddenly, she was turning the tables on me and I couldn't do anything because I knew she was right.

"You look so pathetic accusing someone inocente."

She takes a few steps close to me until she's close enough to whisper into my ear.

"You foreigners are quick to jump into crazy assumptions."

Looking up a bit to face me, she sends me a devilish smirk that I was tempted to smack away. But before I had the chance to do it, she started to make her way as she purposely bumps her shoulder into me. I watched her as she continued to walk with her stupid group of friends. I also noticed Yoongi shooting daggers at her with his eyes.

What the hell was I going to do now?


Let me just say that that slapping scene was so hard to write bcz I wanted to portray the right emotions happening in that moment. I hope it was satisfying at least 😭

- A

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