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"What are the bandages on your arm?" You heard a feminine voice behind you, making you flinch.

"None of your business." You said, hiding your wrist as you turned. 

"Says the one who sleeps around." The girl said, scoffing.

"I don't 'sleep around'." You said, rolling your eyes. "It's your fault if you believe some stupid rumor." 

"Oh, wow. You're such a bitch." 

"How so?" You raised an eyebrow.

"You called me stupid." The girl said, crossing her arms. "Maybe cut yourself more or even hang yourself. You don't serve a purpose to anyone, no one likes you. You're only good for a quick fuck."

"How would you know? I don't remember you on top of me. Actually, I don't remember anyone being on top of me." You said, moving away from the previously harsh topic. "Odd, isn't it?"

"Oh, please. Literally everyone says that you open your legs to them."

Your hands tighten into fists. You really want to swing at her. You suddenly heard talking from down the hall. You turned your head and saw Daichi, Sugawara, Kiyoko, and Asahi. You settled down a bit at seeing Kiyoko and Asahi. You took a deep breath and loosened your fists.

"Think what you want." You said, walking off. 

"Hey, come on! You're no fun." You heard the girl following you. "But it's no surprise from a whore, it must be your only personality trait."

You tried ignoring her, she just continued to follow and taunt you. You kept your eyes down.

"Come on, entertain me!" You heard as you felt a hand on your bandaged wrist.

"Let go of me!" You shouted, instantly pulling your arm back and using momentum to push her away from you. "Next time you touch me will be-"

"Ooh! I'm so scared. The school whore is probably the least intimidating person in the school." The girl gave a mix between a hum and a giggle. She slowly stalked up on you like a wolf on its prey, making you back up into the wall. She grabbed your jaw. "Sorry to burst your bubble."

"Get off of her." You heard Kiyoko's regular monotone voice. You swore there was a hint of annoyance in it, though.

The girl visibly flinched when she heard Kiyoko, probably startled. She instantly removed her hands and took a few steps away, nervously giggling.

"What do you mean, Kiyoko-chan?" The girl said, rubbing the back of her head with obvious nervousness.

"I'd prefer it if you left my friend alone." Kiyoko stated, walking over to you. She gently grabbed your hand. "Come on, Tsukishima-chan." 

"Oh- okay." You nervously agreed, stumbling at first. You were only a step behind her, like a child being pulled away by their mother.


You sat on the gym floor, leaning against the wall. You were near a corner, knowing you were least likely to get hit by a volleyball in your spot. You were lost in thought and couldn't hear that they called for a short break.

"What's up?" You heard and turned your head to see your younger brother.

"Aren't you embarrassed to be seen with your big sister?" You asked, trying to sound playful.

"You looked sad, what's wrong?" Kei asked, sitting on the floor next to you.

"I'm just... thinking, I guess." You shrugged.

"You're never 'just thinking'. I've known you for my entire life, Y/N." Kei stated, looking at you with a soft expression. "You weren't zoned out either."

"Ahaha... you caught me." You spoke, nervous yet playful. You put your hands up in a small gesture of surrender.

"So... what's up?" He asked, softly. 

"I dunno, I've just been kinda sad lately." You muttered, only giving a half lie

"You sure that's it? You're never sad without a reason. Where's my bright snake of a sister?" He asked, joking to try to make you at least crack a smile.

"I thought I told you to not call me a snake." You said, giving him a glance of annoyance.

"Would you rather me call you a trash panda?" Kei asked, giving you a subtly smug smirk.

"They're called raccoons, you stupid giraffe." You mocked back, giggling a little bit.

"But you called them 'trash pandas' all the time when we were younger." He said, giving you a genuine smile.

"Shut up, you have had a dino obsession since you were six." You rolled your eyes. "And you couldn't properly pronounce 'bubbles' until you were nine."

"It was a hard word, okay." Kei blushed, looking around to see if anyone heard you. He was relieved to see no one had.

"Really?" You said, using the playful, mocking voice. "I don't think the word 'bubbles' gave other kids problems."

"Says the one who failed Language Arts for three years until she found a gay teacher." Kei mocked back.

"I don't care what anyone says, he was the best teacher." You giggled.

"You're such a nerd." Kei gave a small laugh, covering his mouth a little bit.

These small moments gave you joy. It was pleasant to joke with someone, let alone your brother. You and your younger brother had almost forgotten about your surroundings. Almost. Daichi had called them back to practice.

"Ugh, the shrimp and the king are gonna yell again." Kei groaned, making a face of annoyance.

"You love them, baby bro." You teased him.

"Ew, no." Kei said, making a face of disgust and displeasure. He got up and took a step forward. "Later, nerd."

"Later, dork." You replied, putting up the peace sign with your left hand.

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