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"Isn't that..." You began. "Isn't that kinda what I am, at this point."

Kiyoko was about to respond when the door squeaked open. You both turned your head. You instantly pulled up the fabric of your uniform shirt and used it to cover your breasts.

"Ah! I'm so sorry." The guy who walked in on you instantly covered his eyes. His face, which was previously ran pale from shock, was now a cherry red. "I should have knocked."

"I...it's okay." You stammered, embarrassed.

"Just shut the door, Asahi." Kiyoko said, her voice a bit stern.

"R...right! Sorry!" He said, blindly reaching for the door knob and slamming the door. You flinched at the sound.

"He looks a little too old to be in high school." You commented.

"Well, he's only 18." Kiyoko clarified.

"Really?" You asked. "I didn't know the guys at this school could look so mature."

"It's not that surprising." Kiyoko shrugged, grabbing bandage wraps.

"Hey, these bandages go across my chest. Does that mean I won't have to wear a bra?" You joked.

"That's what you're worried about?" Kiyoko said, her voice being plan but she looked a bit amused.

"What? No one likes wearing bras." You grinned as Kiyoko started wrapping the bandages around your breasts.

Once she taped the end down, she handed you the top to the track suit. You put it on, zipping it up quickly. Kiyoko quickly bandaged your hand and walked out. You saw the older looking guy standing by the door, his face red as he seemed lost in thought.

He only really saw your back. Yeah, you weren't wearing a bra or a shirt or anything but your back was mostly facing the door. You shrugged before walking to the gym with Kiyoko.

"Y/N-senpai!" Tadashi spoke, instantly noticing you when you walked in. He strayed from Kei and came over. "Are you okay? You look so tired."

You froze, not expecting that comment. You tried to think of a response.

"I... guess I haven't been getting much sleep lately." You said, nervously laughing.

"Why?" He asked.

"I don't think you wanna know." You muttered, putting your hands in your pockets.

"Okay..." Tadashi muttered. "You can talk to me if you need, Y/N-chan."

"Does he know? Did you tell anyone?" You asked, turning to Kiyoko.

"The only person here that would be worth telling is your brother." Kiyoko said. "No one else has the right to know."

"And knowing my brother, he'd yell at me and tell our mom so they both yell at me for not telling them." You let out a sorta empty laugh. "He's definitely a younger brother."

"Really, I'd think he'd be more protective and just punch Itami in the face." Kiyoko said.

"Well, my little brother has always been a little tattle-tail when it comes to me."

"What are you talking about, Y/N?" You heard. You shrieked and instinctively kicked the person behind you in the stomach. "Ow! What the hell!?"

"Sorry." You muttered, nervously laughing.

Kei gave you a strange look. You usually never apologize, especially when it came to him scaring you. You usually had no mercy for people who scare you.

"Okay...?" He muttered.


"Tsukishima-chan?" You heard. You turned your head and got confused. Kiyoko sounded concerned.

"Yeah? What's wrong?" You asked, turning to face her.

"You might want to look at this." She said, handing you her phone. It was a text message.

'Did you hear that Tsukishima Y/N has been sleeping with Itami Seigyo? I wanted to tell you so you wouldn't have to hang around one of the school whores.'

You stared for a moment, not knowing how to respond. You looked up at Kiyoko and handed her phone back.

"I just wanted you to know so..." She muttered, looking down.

"He probably told everyone by now." You muttered, tearing up.

"Hey... it'll be okay, don't worry." Kiyoko said, gently wrapping her arms around you.

"Awe, is the slut crying because everyone found out about her dirty secret?" You heard a girl say as she walked by.

"Watch it, Shitsurei." Kiyoko glared, annoyed.

"I'm just saying what everyone's thinking." She giggled and ran off. Kiyoko took you too the bathroom, wanting to get you away from the crowd.

"How cute?" You heard a familiar voice. You instantly moved behind Kiyoko, her moving to block you.

"You did this, didn't you?" Kiyoko said, voice threatening.

"Why would I kiss and tell? I wouldn't do something like this." Itami said, sounding offended.

"That didn't answer my question." Kiyoko stated.

"I personally think Kei-kun." Itami smirked. "He may be smart but he isn't exactly the most intelligent."

"My brother wouldn't do that." You muttered.

"Wouldn't he, though? Do you really know who he is, Y/N?" Itami started to take a few more steps towards you.

"Don't you dare." Kiyoko threatened, glaring. "I've been researching on manipulation tactics and I'm more than aware of what your going to say."

"I wasn't talking to you, Kiyoko." Itami said, sounding more threatening.

"I'm more than aware of that fact and I suggest you leave." She said, reaching for your hand.

"And why would that be?" Itami said, reaching for his pocket. You instantly realized what he might do. "Ki-yo-ko."

It only took you a moment to pull Kiyoko back and step forward, using your arm to block the blade from hurting any of your more important limbs. You kept a cold expression while you watched your bandaged fall from your arm. Itami's eyes widened from your movement. It's almost like he felt guilty.

"Come on, Y/N." Kiyoko muttered, grabbing your other arm and pulled you off. You turned and watched Itami look like he was about to say something.

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