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You woke up, hearing a few thuds from your younger brother's room. You groaned and sat up, dragging yourself out of bed. You walked down the hall and opened Kei's bedroom door, noting that he had unlocked it.

"Kei, it's the middle of the night. You can't be sneaking Tadashi in so loudly." You muttered. You didn't get a response. "Kei, you don't have to fake sleep. I won't tell mom."

You heard rustling of leaves from outside. It was abnormally dark. You couldn't see a thing. You felt around for the light switch. You flicked the lights on and turned to Kei's bed.

There wasn't anyone in his bed. There wasn't any blonde hair, no green hair, not even his headphones. You saw the window was open. You looked around the room. It was a little more messed up than usual.

The bed was so messed up that one of the blankets was spilling onto the floor. His phone had fallen onto the ground and it was on Yamaguchi's contact. You could tell it had fallen or been dropped because the screen had been cracked. You knew Kei wasn't the clumsy type, especially with his phone. The usually neatly stacked papers on his desk had been scattered around and some pages had fallen onto the floor. His glasses were on the ground, open as if they had fallen off his face.

"Kei? This better be a sick joke." You said, getting worried. You picked up his glasses. They had a small crack in the right lense.

It was silent for a moment, you holding your breath. You flinched when you heard Kei's phone ring. You hurried and grabbed it, seeing that it was Yamaguchi. You answered.

"Tadashi?" You asked, sounding a little panicked. "Is Ke-"

"Y/N? Why'd you answer Tsukki's phone? Is he okay?" Yamaguchi asked.

"I dunno, he's not in his room and his room is a mess. I was about to ask if he was with you?" You said, nervously messing with your hair by pushing it back and out of your face 

"He's not in his room?" Yamaguchi asked, repeating what you had said. "Tsukki isn't at my house."

"Shit." You muttered, hurriedly stepping through the house. You kept Kei's phone in your left hand, not even thinking about it. "Kei!"

You went through the house, going in almost every room. You couldn't find him. Yamaguchi had hung up and you were properly freaking out. You checked the time on Kei's phone and saw it was 4:30.

You took a deep breath, trying to convince yourself that Kei was okay and he was just sneaking out. You took a deep breath. You set down his phone and went to your room, getting ready for school.

You flinched when you heard a knock on the door. You were about to put on your shoes when you remembered Kei's phone. You quickly jogged over and grabbed his phone, putting it in your bag. You went back and swiftly put your shoes on. You were greeted by Kiyoko when you opened the door.

"Hey." She said. 

"Hi." You said back, stepping out of the house and shutting the door.

Yamaguchi jogged up and met up with the two of you. He gave you a glance and you shook your head. He sighed and put on a strained smile.

"Mind if I walk with you two?" Yamaguchi asked.

"Not at all." Kiyoko said.

"Come on." You tilted your head as a gesture for him to come along.


"Can I sit with you guys?" Yamaguchi asked, walking over to you, Asahi, and Kiyoko at lunch.

"I don't mind." Asahi muttered, Kiyoko shrugged.

"Of course you can." You smiled at Yamaguchi as you scooted closer to Asahi to make room for him. 

Yamaguchi gave a small smile and sat in the spot you made for him. You two talked for a while, your hour lunch break making you lose yourself in conversation. 

You shifted the way you sat to rest your legs over Yamaguchi's lap without realizing. Yamaguchi was used to this, knowing the habit that you and your two brothers had. He only rested his arms over your legs. You leaned back and used Asahi as a pillow. You felt him stiffen and nearly tremble.

"Oh, sorry." You muttered. You were about to sit up but Asahi gently wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pulled you back down to lean on him. 

"I...it's fine, I don't mind." Asahi said, his face dusted with blush.

You softly smiled and leaned your head against his shoulder before continuing where you left off in your conversation. You subconsciously traced shapes into Asahi's arm with your fingertips.

The bell rang and you all got up, separating from Yamaguchi as he went to his class. Your next class had both Asahi and Kiyoko with you.

"Hey, Y/N." You heard a familiar voice, making you pause. You quickly examined your surroundings. It was empty, apart from Asahi and Kiyoko. You turned around quickly and took a few steps back. Itami Seigyo was right behind you.

"What could you possibly want?" Kiyoko was the first to act by stepping in front of you, using herself as a wall between you and the man you feared. 

"Calm down, you two are like dogs." Itami mocked, rolling his eyes. "Are you going to bite me if I get too close? I just want to talk about something. "

"I think if you just need to talk, you can talk in front of us." Kiyoko stated, her voice in a threatening tone.

"I don't think your little Y/N would appreciate that, she's awfully secretive." Itami said in a mocking baby voice. "It's about her little baby brother."

You visibly tensed up. You shoved passed Kiyoko and grabbed Itami by the collar of his shirt.

"How aggressive? I didn't know you were so protective."

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