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"I want to introduce you to my family." You said, breaking the silence. You were at Azumane's house for a study session before exams.

"Huh?" Azumane tilted his head. "I already know your family."

"No, Azumane... I want to introduce you to them... as my boyfriend." You said, blushing.

"They don't know we're dating?" Azumane asked.

"I haven't told anyone, not even Kiyoko." You said. You watched Azumane's eyes widen. "I didn't know if you wanted anyone to know... so."

"I kinda want a lot of people to know... I like the idea of a lot of people knowing I'm yours and you're mine so we can be affectionate." Azumane blushed.

"So... you want to be introduced to my family?" You asked. Azumane blushed more and nodded. "Alright, I'll set a day and time."


"You have a what, now?!" Kei said. "You can't have a boyfriend!"

"I agree with Kei. You're too young to have a boyfriend." Akiteru frowned.

"If he doesn't treat you well then I'll kill him and scoop out his organs-" Kei started ranting on the many ways he'll kill your boyfriend.

"I'm old enough to have a boyfriend!" You said.

"I think it's a lovely idea to meet your boyfriend. I'd like to give him my blessing." Your mother smiled. "How about he comes by for dinner? Tomorrow night, perhaps?"

Kei and Akiteru made a similar face of annoyance but agreed. They needed to approve of your mysterious boyfriend. If they didn't approve, they just might commit a murder.

"He better be a good boyfriend or I'll murder him." Kei said, crossing his arms.


"Asahi? What are you doing here?" Kei asked, tilting his head.

"Ah! Azumane, hi." You said, stepping to the door and stood on your tiptoes. You gave a light kiss to Azumane's left cheek. "Kei, you already know but... This is Asahi, my boyfriend."

Kei's eyes widened and his expression was damn near unreadable. You felt Azumane shudder.

"You've never met my mom, have you?" You distracted Kei from terrifying Azumane until he had a heart attack. "Come on, I'll introduce you."

You grabbed Azumane's hand and walked to where your mother was arranged the vase of flowers on the table.

"Mama, this is Asahi Azumane. My boyfriend." You said. Your mom turned around and instantly tensed up.

"Hello." Azumane said, trying to make himself look less intimidating.

"Oh! Wow, uh... you are awfully grown." Your mom said, nervously.

"He's only eighteen, ma." You said.

"Ah... I apologize." Your mom blushed in embarrassed. "Please, go sit down and get to know Kei and Akiteru. They'll be happy to meet you."

Azumane nodded, turning and walking away. He sat on the sofa. You hoped he wouldn't get interrogated by your brothers.

"Are you sure he's only eighteen? What did they feed him to make him look so... mature?" Your mom tried to phrase her words kindly.

"I don't know. He's just big and strong." You softly smiled. "And I love him very much."

"Well... if you're sure about him then I won't but in but if he treats you wrong then tell Kei and he will-"

"Mom. Asahi physically can't hurt anything other than a volleyball. I'm not too worried." You said. You turned and walked to check on the three men.

"Do you even know her birthday?"

"What's her favorite color?"

"Who was her least teacher in junior high?"

"What's her favorite animal?"

There it is. Your brothers' interrogated. They were in the rapid fire stage. You had a boyfriend in middle school but he broke up with you because their protective nature.

"You both better knock it off." You said, walking over.

"AH!" Both of your brothers flinched. Akiteru stammered to explain as Kei just nodded, knowing and not caring that he had done something he had been told not to do.

"Dinner's ready." Your mom called, catching everyone's attention.

You, Azumane, and your brothers walked to the table. Your mother sat at the head of the table. You sat at Asahi's left, Kei on the opposite side of the table with Akiteru on his left. Your brothers were glaring daggers at your poor boyfriend.

"So, Asahi. You're on Kei's volleyball team, right?" Your mother nervously started conversation.

"Yes, I am." Azumane tensed up.

"He's the ace." You bragged for him, knowing he wouldn't. Kei gave a side glance to Akiteru, who only glanced back.

"Oh! That's lovely. You get to play often, right. Do you enjoy it?" Your mother smiled.

"I love playing volleyball." Azumane nodded.

"More than Y/N?" Kei asked.

"Wh... of course not!" Azumane tensed up again, also blushing this time. "I love Y/N a lot!"

You reached your hand to grab his, rubbing circles with your thumb. He blushed from your small act of comfort but calmed down.

Your mom continued asking innocent questions, occasionally leading to Kei or Akiteru giving him a question meant for interrogation. You disarmed it and continues with a nice conversation.

"I can wash the dishes." Azumane offered, watching as your mother rolled up her sleeves.

"Are you sure? You don't have to." Your mom looked back.

"Of course, I don't mind at all." He stood up and took your mother's place.

"I'll help." You said, standing up. "And by 'help' I mean 'sit and look pretty'."

Your mother stopped you before you met with Azumane again.

"I approve of him. Keep him." Your mom whispered to you before releasing you. Your eyes widened and you paused for a moment. You walked and met with Azumane. You slipped your away under his arms, fitting yourself between him and the sink. His arms framed your sides.

You stood there with him, watching his gentle hands move as you felt your heart swell with love. You looked up, seeing his eyes focused on the task at hand. His gorgeous, brown eyes took a few minutes to take notice and look down at you.

"What?" He asked. "Is there something wrong?

You smiled and shook your head. "No. This is nice."

Azumaned hummed in response and looked back to the sink.

"I love you, Azumane." You said, your words for him and him only to hear.

"I love you, too, Y/N." He replied, blushing a bit.

Yeah. This is nice. Really really nice.

Open, Warm ArmsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang