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You haven't slept since Saturday. It was now Monday morning. Itami was getting ready for school. You stayed in bed, rubbing the bruise that the handcuff formed as your head resting on your pillow.

"Bye, love. I'll bring you the note and work when I get home." Itami said, walking over and kissing your cheek. He left the room and you soon heard the front door open, close, then lock.

"It was worth it, it was for Kei." You whispered to yourself, reminding yourself why you're here.

You sighed and sat up, getting out of bed. You went to the bathroom and saw that there were towels prepped. You opened the shower door and saw the shower knob(s) were the same as the one that were at your house. You sighed and stripped from the comfortable clothes Itami gave you.

You turned on the water to the right temperature and got in, cleaning your formed body. You finished whatever your shower routine was and got out, wrapping a towel around yourself. You walked out and took a look around the exits. 

The windows had screens over them and soft dirt outside them. If you managed through the window without cutting the screen, your footsteps would be left in the dirt. The door had a camera and an alarm so that'd be difficult to get out of. You walked to your room and found the dirt was also soft. 

The only two windows that you could escape from were the bathroom window, which couldn't open, and the laundry room window, which only opened enough for your hand but you could see the bolts could be removed and you could slip through the window. You hummed in curiosity.

You walked to your bedroom and put on the biggest clothes you could find (that were yours) and went to the kitchen. 

You looked through the fridge, cabinets, and cupboards to find the dishes were beautiful (to your standards) and the food was only of which you enjoyed or ingredients for the food you enjoyed.

You decided to cook. You'd rather cook than focus on how well thought out this psychopath's plan was.

"I'm home, my dearest." You heard, instantly shuddering. "Where are you?"

"I'm here." You said, hating the whimper in the back of your voice.

"Hmm, is something wrong." You heard, hearing the footsteps near you. You visibly flinched when arms wrapped around your waist. "Sorry if I startled you."

"Mmh..." You hummed, nervously continuing to cook your meal.

"I brought you the school work, like you asked. It was easy to make the cops believe you ran away. You're an adult after all." Itami hummed, softly kissing your neck. "I just told them that you were an adult and could make your own choices and that you were just in a rebellious phase." 

That made you feel really hopeless. No one would be able to find you. Almost no one knew where you were. Only Kei had a chance to even see the route and remember it well enough to tell someone. He'd have to trust that someone was strong enough to not die at Itami's attempts and would be able to get you out before Itami figured it out and had to kill you.

"How hard is your brain working up there?" Itami hummed.

"Did you bring Kei here?"

"No. He's a little too smart for his age. He'd rat us out, don't you think?"

You let out a choked out sob, trying to laugh through it.

"I'm gonna die here, huh? I'm never getting out." You said, turning and looking at Itami. "You've been planning this for so long, huh? You're insane."

"Hm." Itami didn't seem to like what you said.

"I'm not hungry, you can continue cooking it if you want to eat it.." You said, putting down a knife/turning off the stove/oven. You knew if you attempted to do something on the offensive side, he'd block or dodge or spin it so it's more harmful to you rather than him.

"You can't shut me out forever." Itami called in a taunting voice as you shoved him off and tried walking to your bedroom.

You only slammed the door in response, walking to your bed. You got into bed, choosing to hide under the blanket. You were hiding from the world.

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