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You heard the front door shut, making you peak out. You saw Itami had a black eye.

"Are you okay? What happened?" You asked, surprised.

"You're brother punched me. His stupid green friend had to hold him back." Itami explained. 

"My poor baby." You said, softly. You hugged him, making him blush. "I'm sorry, my brother's probably just worried about me."

"It's not your fault." Itami said, kissing your head.

"Just try to stay away from my brother from now on, okay?" You softly looked up at Itami.

"Okay, love." Itami hummed.


You stood in the door frame, waving at Itami as he left for school. You instantly shut the door and turned off the door alarm and camera. You had watched Itami turn it off at night to save power because he knew you couldn't get out of the handcuff. You found a screwdriver and started to unscrew the hinges. The window refused to come off.

You sighed, deciding to just break the window. You slipped out, getting a cut on your right upper arm. You cursed, holding over the gash in your arm. You felt grass under your feet, cool air. It was peaceful outside. You quickly inhaled and started to run. You stayed in the grass but followed the road.

It only took you an hour to get to a police station. They sent you to a hospital, where they got the smaller shards of glass out of your arm and stitched you up.

"So, what happened?" A female police officer asked, walking up to you.

"I uh... it's kind of a long story." You muttered, nervous.

"I'm going to listen, Tsukishima." The officer assured you. "I'm here to help you."

You were quiet for a moment before starting to explain what was happening. How Itami was kinda and normal when you were younger but he randomly snapped and you happened to be on the receiving end. The officer wrote everything down and asked for some people they could call. You gave the numbers of your mother and older brother.


"Y/N!" You heard a yell. You were almost tackled with a hug from your younger brother.

"Ow, Kei." You winced back in pain as he squeezed you.

"Sorry, sorry." Kei muttered, loosening his grip.

"Are you okay, dear?" Your mother asked.

"What happened, Y/N?" Akiteru asked.

You looked around and started to tear up. You haven't seen your family in so long and everyone being here at once made you feel emotional.

"I'm okay, guys." You said through held back sobs. "Don't worry."

They were quiet for a moment before you felt two more sets of arms around you. All three of them hugged you. It was honestly a little more emotional than it needed to be.


Your leg bounced, sitting on the couch. You had been discharged from the hospital yesterday and you were fit to go back to school on Monday. You had invited Kiyoko and Asahi to your house.

A light knock landed on your front door. You almost instantly sprung to your feet and walked to the front door. You hesitated before answering.

"Hey, guys." You muttered as you opened the door. You moved to the side to make room for them to step inside. "Come in."

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