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You stared in the mirror. You had a lot of bandages, you looked like a mummy. You sighed, pulling your blouse up your shoulders and buttoning it. You pulled on your skirt up and looked at yourself.

'Are you okay? You look so tired.' You thought of what Tadashi had said to you. You rubbed your cheek, your fingers brushing over the bags under your eyes. 'Tired.'

'He's right, you look exhausted. When was the last time you slept?' You thought without even paying attention to the wording. 'You're getting thinner too, it's almost gross how quickly you lost weight. When was the last time you had eaten something?'

"God, you look like shit." Kei walked in without a care in the world. You looked over and he gave a blank expression. "So why the fuck is Kiyoko-senpai at the door asking for you?"

You looked back to your reflection for a moment. "I dunno."

"Stop staring at yourself like a narcissist who just woke up from a coma and go to her." Kei scoffed, walking back to his room.

You finished putting on your uniform and grabbed your bag. You walked down the hall and saw Kiyoko, using her phone.

"Hey, Tsukishima-chan." She greeted, noticing you. You waved and sat down to put your shoes on.

"What are you doing here?" You asked, tilting your head. You stood up and stepped out with her, shutting the door behind yourself.

"I want to walk to school with you." She spoke, grabbing one of your hands.

"It's so early." You muttered, rubbing your eyes.

"Well, the boys have practice." Kiyoko shrugged.

"Then shouldn't we wait for my brother?" You asked, turning to open the door.

"No!" She said, gripping your hand. You turned and gave her a weird look. She blushed before letting out a stammered sentence. "I mean... he and Yamaguchi can walk together, right?"

"Yeah, they always walk with each other." You muttered. "Come on."

She walked with you, holding your hand. You went to the clubroom and changed into the track suits. You were the first two in the gym.

"It's only us." Kiyoko said, looking around.

"Yeah, it is..." You muttered, getting a bit uneasy.

"This is a weird question but... have you played volleyball?" Kiyoko asked, letting go of your hand and walking to the storage closet.

"No, not really." You muttered, following her. "I've played around a bit but I've always bruised so easily."

"Wanna try?" Kiyoko said, grabbing a ball.

You nodded. She lightly tossed the ball at you and you backed up, trying to receive the ball. It went flying backwards and hit you on the head. It promptly landed on the ground after. You heard snickering from behind you.

"I'm sorry for laughing." One of the third years, Sugawara, spoke. "It was just kinda funny how it landed on your head."

"It's alright." You said, quietly. You blushed from embarrassment.

"You're Y/N Tsukishima, right? I didn't know Tsukishima had a sister." He smiled.

"He's kinda ashamed of me." You nervously spoke.

You heard a notification sound and Sugawara checked his phone. He seemed to be reading something. He quickly looked back up with a faint look of disgust that read 'now I know why'.

"Oh, well. I'm sure it's just because he's- oh, hey! Daichi!" Sugawara seemed to instantly use Daichi as a way to get out of the conversation without being rude.

You watched as he whispered to Daichi and talked as they waited for more people to walk in.


"Hey, sugar tits." You heard. Kiyoko was in her classroom, talking to a classmate so you were alone. "It isn't polite to ignore someone when they're talking to you."

"Oh, sorry. You were talking to me?" You looked up from the ground.

"Who else would I be talking to?" The guys said, towering over you. He was a similar height (only a little shorter) to your brother with black hair and brown eyes.

"What do you need?" You asked, nervous. You backed up into the wall behind you.

"Since you like playing around with other guys, why don't you help me with my little... problem." He asked, gesturing to his crotch. You felt disgusted. He walked closer to you.

"I'm really not that type of person." You tried backing up even more.

"You help with Itami's boners all the time, don't you? What's the difference when it's me." He said, grabbing your face and pushing your hair behind your ear.

"You don't understand, I didn't want to-" You stammered, panicking. "Get away from me."

"Awe, are you getting shy because you're not used to me? I'll play nice." He said, grinning as he leaned in. He was trying to kiss your neck. You squeezed your eyes shut and tried to coward away.

"Get away from her." You heard and opened your eyes. That wasn't Kiyoko's voice. It was a brown haired guy. The guy who walked in on you getting cleaned and bandaged up.

"Oh, Asahi. Isn't it a bit selfish to take her away?" The guy said, standing up straight.

"She's obviously uncomfortable with you touching her." Asahi said, crossing his arms to seem more intimidating.

"What business do you got with it, tough guy?" The guy backed away from you and approached Asahi.

"H...hey, let's not fight." You said, stepping between the two to create some distance.

The guy who was previously looking at you as if you were prey seemed annoyed. "Consider yourself lucky, Asahi." He said before walking away.

You sighed in relief, looking at your hand which was shaking a bit. "You okay?" You asked.

You saw Asahi, looking like he was about to cry. You blinked a few times.

"Thanks, I don't know what I'd do if I actually got in a fight with him." He said, nervously.

"Hey, don't even mention it." You said, bringing your hands up. "You helped me so I helped you back. Consider it as a 'thank you', okay?"

"Wait, are you okay? He didn't like... touch you or anything, right?" Asahi nervously asked, blushing from embarrassment as he spoke.

"I'm okay, there has been worse." You let slip out, only taking a second to realize what you had said and the confused look on his face. "I mean-"

"What do you mean 'worse'?" He asked, concerned.

"Ah, I don't know why I said that. Just forget it." You nervously laughed.

"What are you two talking about?" Kiyoko said.

"Nothing, come on." You said, grabbing Kiyoko's and pulling her off.

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