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You tapped the wall, your rhythm steady as you tried to think.


You could make a dummy of yourself?


He could figure that out pretty quick.


I can't use the windows.


He'll find me if I use the front door.


He'll figure out if I use one of the windows.


That was your last tap before you retract your hand. 

Itami goes to school for a time length between 6-10 hours. Usually eight hours. He seemed to love and adore you, no matter how unhealthy it is.

You got it.

You could find a way to make a dummy of you and you could find a way to get a recording of yourself crying. If he's distracted with the fake you crying, then the real you could slip away and find the closest police station or at least a place to hide.

It could take anywhere from a few minutes to a few days for him to realize that it wasn't really you. You would have a lot of time, depending on when you start the recording... but if you got a bluetooth speaker. Then you'd have to move quicker because it could die sooner. It would also make you have to gain his trust but you could also get more distance between you and this house. 

You hummed and tried to think when to do it. It'd have to be around the time Itami gets home or you could do it when Itami leaves and let him know you left.

"I'm home! Sorry it took me a little longer, I was buying groceries." You heard Itami. 

"Welcome home." You said, peaking out of the bedroom.

"You seem to be in a better mood." Itami pointed out, catching on quickly.

"I just don't want to be alone right now." You muttered, trying to look as embarrassed as possible.

"Awe! You missed me, didn't you?" Itami said, putting down the bags of groceries and pulling you into a sweet hug.

It was warm.

"God, you're freezing. Have you not been sitting under your heat lamp or something?" Itami asked, noticing the temperature of your skin.

"It hasn't crossed my mind." You muttered. 

"Wanna watch a movie and cuddle so you can get to a better temperature?" Itami asked. 

"No, I hate you." You thought and almost said, deciding not to and settling with a nod in response.


You had been kinda sucking up to Itami, going out of your way to please him in all ways besides sexual. He has seemed to be pleased.

"Hey, Y/N?" You heard.

"Yeah?" You turned your head to look at Itami.

"Why haven't you been wanting to have sex?" Itami was so blunt.

"Hmm..." You hummed, pretending to be in thought. "I think I'm asexual."

"Really?" Itami asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Mhm. I just don't find it appealing. I don't feel anything." You gave a half-lie.

"Oh." Itami sounded disappointed.

"I'm sorry." You gave a fake apology. You were anything but sorry.

"Don't say sorry, it's not your fault. I should have known." Itami let out a nervous laugh. "I thought you were just nervous about being pregnant."

"That actually never crossed my mind." You said, honestly. "Why haven't I gotten pregnant?"

"I'm infertile." Itami said, shrugging.

"Oh." You muttered, surprised.


"I'll do the laundry." You said, picking up the laundry basket.

"You sure? I can do it." Itami asked, offering.

"I'm sure." You nodded. "Besides, the dryer is warm."

"You're just thinking with your blood." Itami rolled his eyes.

"It's not my fault I'm cold blooded." You said in a joking tone, rolling your eyes.

You walked to the laundry room, putting the dirty laundry in. You turned to see if Itami was around before hopping onto the dryer to investigate the window. The hinge was similar to a door's hinges. You could unscrew it and pull the rod out so you could take the window off. You just needed a screwdriver and a pair of pliers.

You got down and walked back to the bedroom, laying down with Itami.

"What took so long, baby?" You heard.

"Damn thing was being stubborn." You said, pretending to be annoyed.

"I know, it's kinda old." Itami said. "We need a new one."

"Yeah but that's a lot of work." You whined. "I like sleeping."

"You're so lazy." Itami laughed.

"You love me."


"Ew." You thought, wanting to punch him.

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