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"She went through with it, huh?" Asahi muttered, driving with Kei in the passenger seat.

"Yeah..." Kei said, leaning his head back in a very tired way.

"Is she okay? He didn't do anything to her yet, right?" Asahi asked.

"Itami didn't do anything in front of me. He seemed a bit more calm and relaxed." Kei said. "Itami and his sisters told me Y/N actually wasn't going to be there. I was told she laughed when she found out that Itami had me and would rather have me dead than ever see me again. I didn't want to believe it but it was told so often that I almost did."

"Your sister isn't like that. I don't know her well but she's really nice."  Asahi said.

"Y/N has always been cool. She used to walk me and Yamaguchi to gas stations for snacks or to an ice cream truck during summers." Kei said, thinking back. "Even Yamaguchi sees her as an older sibling. She's also super protective. She used to damn near stab anyone who looked at me the wrong way, even when I was taller than her."

"Hm." Asahi nodded, humming in acknowledgment. It was quiet for a moment.

"She really likes you." Kei said, turning his head to Asahi.

"Really?" Asahi glanced over to Kei for a split second.

"Mmh." Kei hummed in the affirmative. "Even when she stopped talking as much, she occasionally talked about you. The time you and Kiyoko stayed the night was the most she talked in a while."

"I'm glad she's comfortable around me." Asahi muttered, pausing after he spoke. "Are you hungry or something?"

"Mhm." Kei nodded.

"Want to get some fast food?" Asahi asked.

"Aren't you tired?" Kei asked.

"No, I'm actually kind of restless now." Asahi said.

"Mmh... I can pay you back." Kei muttered. 

"You don't need to." Asahi claimed. "Think of it as a gift."

"Okay, sure." Kei muttered. 


"Come on, Y/N." You heard Itami as the car parked.

"Can I ask you something?" 

"You just did but go ahead." Itami nodded.

"Why are you doing this? We were friends and you suddenly decided to... y'know." You muttered.

"I love you, Y/N. I always have. No one else can love you like I do and I don't want you getting hurt by having other stupid crushes on people who will just hurt you." Itami stated. "I'm doing what I have to do. I can't have you getting hurt."

"But you could have just confessed your affection instead of going all crazy." You said.

"You're too good to risk losing, Y/N." Itami softly spoke, leaning in like he was about to kiss you.

"Well, uh, we should go inside, right?" You said, leaning away from him.

"Oh, yeah." Itami said. "Come on."

You got out of the car, Itami grabbing your left wrist a little too tight. It was fairly empty where you were, there weren't really houses around the small house you didn't recognize. You were led inside and saw the living room was small. It had an average sized kitchen. It had only two doors down the hall. Probably only a bathroom and a bedroom.

"Welcome home, love." Itami said, making you shudder. The pet name sounded so wrong coming from his mouth. 

"Don't call me that, Itami." You said, scoffing.

"My name is Seigyo." He corrected you, his voice sounding harsh. He took a deep breath and softened. "But, it's okay you made a mistake. Now that you're here, you'll learn to love me, my dear."

He wrapped his arms around your torso and kissed the top of your head. You felt very uncomfortable and tried subtly backing away. 

"Are we going to go to school on Monday?" You asked, changing the topic. 

"Yes, I'm going to school on Monday." He stated, releasing you.

"What about me?" You asked.

"You're going to stay here, okay? This is your home and you won't have anyone be rude to you, any work to do, or anything making you upset. Everything will be perfect here, just for you." Itami said, the fondness in his voice makes you uncomfortable.

"Can you at least bring me the school work and notes for me. I still want to graduate." You requested. He seemed to think about it.

"I'll decide tomorrow. Come on, we should go to bed." Itami said. He grabbed your wrist and pulled you to an average sized room. It had a double bed and a desk. It was fairly plain.

Itami grabbed a set of handcuffs, grabbing one of your right wrist. He clicked the cuff in place and put the other end around his right wrist. 

"Why did you cuff me?" You gave a confused look.

"I don't want you to leave me, Y/N." He said, pulling you into bed. He laid behind you and wrapped his arms around you. He pulled a blanket over both of you and nuzzled into your neck. "Goodnight, Y/N."

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