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"Hey, Tsukishima-chan!" You heard as you walked from the other end of the hall. You turned your head and saw a girl jogging towards you.

"Kakona?" You spoke, confused. "Do you need something?"

"Just one thing." She smiled. You tilted your head but she instantly got punched in the nose. You tripped over your own feet from the sudden momentum and fell back. "Stop sleeping with my boyfriend!"

You didn't even pay attention to what she said and held your nose. You checked to see your nose was bleeding. You let out an empty laugh and wiped the tears that formed in your eyes.

"God... you punch like a bitch." You muttered, smirking. You heard the surprised yet hushed 'ooh's from the small crowd around you.

"Is that your only response?!" Kakona yelled, surprised.

"What else is there to say?" You asked, sounding annoyed. "I don't even fucking know your boyfriend."

"He talked about getting with you all the time!" She yelled.

"If he has the nerve to lie about sleeping with me then is he really a good boyfriend?" You asked.

You received another punch in the nose, making you jerk back. You heard fast paced footsteps and someone stood in front of you.

"Are you okay?! Oh goodness, your nose is bleeding." You heard a masculine voice.

"I noticed." You said, opening your eyes and seeing Asahi.

"Why are you protecting her?! She's the school slut!" You heard Kakona yell.

"You only think that because no one has cared to ask me what was going on." You scoffed.

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

Asahi gave you a concerned look. You got up and walked through the crowd, ignoring the disappointed groans from the small crowd. Asahi followed you.

"Are you okay, Tsukishima-chan?" Asahi asked again.

"I'm fine, Asahi." You muttered, holding your nose.

"Are you sure?" Asahi said, his voice soft.

You stopped for a moment. You turned your head and looked in his eyes.

"You're too nice for your own good, Asahi." You said, softly smiling. "Don't waste that kindness on someone like me."

Asahi seemed confused and you walked away.


It was around 18:00 when you heard a knock on the front door. You heard the familiar squeak of it opening and some muffled talking. You soon heard footsteps and tensed up, starting to overthink. You heard a slight knock on your bedroom door and you flinched at the sound.

"Hey, Tsukishima-chan? Can we come in?" You heard Kiyoko. You sighed in relief and got up from your bed.

"Hey, Kiyoko." You said as you opened the bedroom door. "Oh. Hi, Asahi."

"Hey." Kiyoko and Asahi both said at the same time.

"Come in." You said, moving to let them into your surprisingly clean room. "What do you guys need?"

"Asahi didn't want to come here alone but he didn't want your brother to assume anything." Kiyoko said as you walked back and sat on your bed, patting it as an offer to have her sit down.

"Hey! You agreed to not tell her!" Asahi blushed.

"I never agreed. I just acknowledged it." Kiyoko said, shrugging.

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