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"Thank you." You bowed as you were given an access card for visitation. You were in the hospital and visiting Asahi.

You walked into the hospital room and found Asahi was laid down on the bed. He had something over his nose and mouth, helping him breathe. His arms were over the blanket and they had bandages wrapped all over. Your heart hurts so bad. 

You walked, pulled a chair over, and sat by Asahi. You slowly trailed one of your hands under his, gently intertwining your fingers with his.

"I'm so sorry." You whispered, lightly squeezing, watching his reactions to make sure you weren't hurting him. "It's all my fault you're like this. If only I could've been faster."

You teared up, looking at where your hand held his. His hand was warm. You took in a deep breath and tried to calm yourself. You looked back up to Asahi's face, taking note of him still being asleep.

"You better heal fast." You said, hating how pathetic your voice sounded. You knew he wouldn't be able to hear you. "I'll never forgive you if you take too long."

You didn't get a response. You spent a few hours with Asahi, not doing anything. You just sat there, feeling comfort in knowing Asahi was safe. You feel your phone vibrate in your pocket. You checked your phone and saw your mom had requested for you to come home.

"I have to go, Asahi." You spoke. You lowered your head and left a soft kiss on the back of his hand, your heart jumping as you did so. "I love you, get better quickly."

You gently took your hand back, moving the chair back to its original location before leaving the room. You hoped that he wasn't awake to hear that.


Asahi walked down a path, wearing a winter coat with a scarf. It was snowing.

"Hey, Asahi!" You ran up, waving.

"Hey, Y/N." He greeted you. Since when did he call you by your first name? He didn't know. "What did you want to meet me for? It's really cold and you mentioned how you can't be out at this temperature with your condition thing."

"I snuck out." You giggled. "Don't tell anyone, they'll yell at me."

"You should get home, then." Asahi said.

"No way!" You said. "I want to hang out with you. Besides, I have some of those hand warmer things."

"You're reckless, you know?" Asahi laughed.

"Everyone says that." You whined. "It's not true, I think everything through and I know how to be safe."

"Totally." Asahi sarcastically said.

"Just come on, dork." You rolled your eyes and grabbed Asahi's hand, pulling him along.

You two spent hours together, talking and keeping your hands together. You got a text message, checking your phone.

"My brother found out I snuck out and is threatening to tell my mom. I have to go, Asahi." You said, taking your hand from his. Asahi gave a saddened face.

"You're an adult and still listen to your mom?" Asahi joked.

"It's just out of respect at this point. I love my mom." You said as you walked off. "I love you, get better quickly!"

Asahi tilted his head. 'Get better quickly'? He was perfectly fine. Did he look sick or something? You would have told him if he looked sick right?

Asahi decided to think of it as something you accidentally said. He walked home. He was just outside of his bedroom when he thought about it.

His eyes widened, just now realized that you had told him that you loved him. His face exploded with heat. Did you really say that? Was that another thing you accidentally say or did you mean it? But most importantly... did he...

Did he love you back?

His heart fluttered at the thought. He imagined cuddling with you, watching dumb movies. He imagined having to run from your brothers with you because they could be so protective. He even thought up the idea of you two wearing matching wedding bands, your smaller hand having the ring with a diamond.

He had to love you back. Why would he think of all of those things if he didn't? He was about to turn around to get his coat and shoes and go to your house but his phone buzzed in his pocket.

'Wake up, Azumane.'

Asahi's eyes opened. He laid in place for a moment before waking up. He groaned and shifted his weight to sit up and lean back at the same time. His eyes adjusted to the dark and he looked around.

This wasn't his bedroom. There were machines around him. Was he in a hospital?

There was a clock on the wall. It was really late. His entire body hurt, making him notice the bandages that covered parts of his body... but he could still only focus on two things.

His heart beating and his blushing face. That felt a little too real to be a dream. The sound of your voice. The feeling of your hand. The way your lips said those three words.

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