Chapter 21 ~ 🌿

Começar do início


I should've stopped her. It's all my fault. I'm pacing back and forth outside of the operating room. Amanda left to finish her duties, so it was just me... alone... I can't stop thinking about how I could've saved her, how I should've done something more, but I didn't. In my mind, I keep seeing her head as it hits the pavement over and over again. I keep seeing her lifeless body lie on the ground as her blood pours out everywhere...

Why would Rosalin do this? And how could I have not warned Ser that Adein was a complete arse from the start. I've always had a bad feeling about him, I should've spoken up... then maybe we wouldn't be here. I hear someone from behind me.

"Is she okay? The nurse told me you'd be here... I ran after you as soon as I saw what happened," he explains.

I turned around to see who was here, and noticed it was Adein... he looked like he was going to say more but I cut him off. Rushing towards him I throw all my might into a single punch.

I punched him so hard that he had to take a few steps back, and then I said, "If I ever see you near her again, you won't live long enough to tell about it!"

He's completely shocked. I don't think he ever expected to be hit by a guy like me, but here we are. He slowly wipes the little bit of blood from his lip and nods, turning away to leave...

"I mean, Adein." I say as he turns the corner.

The doors behind me open, and I see Val coming out– "you mean what?" she asks.

"Never mind that, how is she?"

"She's stable. Still unconscious. We're going to be transferring her to the ICU."

My heart sinks. I knew it was bad, but I was hoping for better news... all I can think about it healing her, so I say with a scratchy voice, "can I see her?"

Understanding what I'm trying to do, Val nods, "I'll see if I can make it happen."

The doctor comes out with Serina...


The silence is so loud. It's just Serina and me in the ICU's infirmary Room 013. She lies there so still, almost as if she's dead. The doctor ran a few tests to check for brain damage, but for now, all that's left to do is wait... and hope she wakes up.

Val and Sebastian will be here later tonight, after the hospital closes, to watch me try to heal her. I'm a Mendador, after all, so it is my birth-given gift to heal those who are hurt or sick. I'm just not sure if I'm strong enough to heal Serina...

I sit next to her bedside, trying to keep her as comfortable as possible. Earlier, Val brought me some water and a clean rag to clean off her face. I tried my hardest to get all of the blood in dirt out of my hair, but without a shower, I'm not sure that it all will come out. I combed through her gorgeous locks with my hands, as I know she wouldn't want anyone to see her in a vulnerable mess. And I had Val change her into a solid white gown– the only time I've left her side since the accident...

For a little bit, I stare off into the distance, slightly looking out the window, but it's all blurry due to the many thoughts hurrying around my head. I do notice that even the sky feels sorrow for what happened, as clouds came to cover it, and a gentle rain falls, leaving little drops on the glass.

It's been about 10 hours since the accident, but it feels like 10 years. I'm slowly about to dowse off as I hear a knock on the door. I get up from my chair to see who it is– it's Sebastian, and he's brought some red and white roses along with a bag of what I presume to be herbs... as a Floraen, I get my power from plants and herbs, so he probably brought them to make sure my gift was at its strongest when I try to heal Serina.

The hospital is slowing down, as there aren't any nurses roaming the floor at this hour. Only one is left on duty per floor, and Valeria traded shifts with anyone to make sure we could have some privacy tonight.

"I saw my mum on the way in, she said that she should be here within the hour– but that we could get started, as everyone has already left for the night," Sebastian says, handing me the bag of herbs. He grabs a vase from his back pocket and sets it on the bedside table for the roses.

I open the bag to find it's filled with one of my favorite herbs– lavender. I take a whiff and am immediately calmed from the eternal stress I've felt all day.

Sebastian notices as it both calms and strengthens me and says, "I hoped it would help calm your nerves, and help you channel you enjoy into at least healing the cut on her head so it won't leave a scar..." his voice is filled with a slight tang of sorrow that almost suggests he knows, more than fears I might not be able to wake her up with my healing...

I smile and say in response, "thanks. Shall we get started?"

He nods, moving to shut and lock the door to the room. I take a deep breath as I stand over Serina, trying to calm my nerves and doubts saying that this won't work. I've healed hundreds of people before, Serina will be no different, I tell myself silently.

With one more deep breath, I place my hand on Serina's forehead, closing my eyes to help me concentrate. I channel all my energy into that hand, telling my might to let her be healed, and I give it a few seconds before I open my eyes. I open them to see the green glow from my palm as her cut disappears under her stitches. I turn to Sebastian and smile, "it's working!" but just as I get excited, I feel a weird shock and pull my hand away.

The door unlocks...

LostOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora