Chapter 22: Closing the distance (Part 2).

Comenzar desde el principio

"A-all of it?" Lillia became even more conflicted. "Reina usually lets me keep on my pants."

"Everything. Your circuits though mainly on the upper half still travel down. It would be best for me to clear up everything so underwear as well."

A red tinge was clear on her expression while Estile was completely unfazed. If it weren't for the fact that she felt she could trust her and that the real Kyle would never be so bold, she would have out right refused.

"If it makes you feel more comfortable I can get naked as well," Estile smirked.

"N-No! I'll do it," in the end Lillia gave in. She was curious herself, though if Estile did strip and she saw Kyle..., she wasn't sure how she would react. "Could you at least turn around till I'm on the table?"

"It's not going to make much of a difference considering I'd need to flip you over anyway but fine," Estile shrugged while chuckling.

Lillia didn't even have time to scowl at her before she turned her back. Compared to Kyle, Estile was far more confident, especially in how she teased people. Despite it all she didn't actually mind it. There was something comforting about her and it wasn't just how she currently looked.

Soon after Lillia had stripped down and laid herself on the table, "I'm ready."

"Okay then," Estile turned back and laughed, "A towel? I guess you're still pretty young so getting embarrassed is normal."

"Just start already!"

"Fine," she replied as if she hadn't been the one to suggest the massage in the first place.

Lillia firmly planted her face through the small gap in the table and refused to look anywhere else. There was no doubt that her skin was flushed and it would only be worse if she saw Kyle's body beside her. Even with Estile being in control, her heart was already set on the sight of him and it was enough to push her over the edge. Without warning Estile began and to her surprise it wasn't her skin she touched but her hair.

"Your hair is really pretty," a gentle hand brushed it. "You usually wear a hat to keep it hidden don't you?"

"I do.... Otherwise I get too much attention."

"A shame. With the world how it is, hair colour like ours is pretty rare isn't it?" Estile sighed. "I used to have a friend who had the same hair colour as you. She was really strong."

"You mean Lav?" Lillia couldn't help ask.

"Yes, Lav...." A long paused followed. Despite having convinced herself not to look up Lillia had to wonder what Estile's expression was showing but before she had the chance Estile pressed her hands against her back. "Okay time to relax."

Lillia closed her eyes and waited. The sensation of smooth fingertips crossed her back in fleeting patterns and then came the welling heat. The heat however ebbed away quickly replaced with an internal pressure she was quite familiar with. A tap on the outside followed by a shake within. Each little movement probed her internals as Estile worked across her skin. Soon Lillia couldn't help but sigh in relaxation as the flow of energy inside her straightened. Her mouth opened released a tender breath.

"W-wait!" Lillia's eyes opened in a flash and as soon as Estile's hands removed themselves she shot up clinging the towel around her. "What are you doing to me!?"

Estile looked at her confused and innocent, "Did I hurt you?"

"No," Lillia felt herself redden again. "It felt nice. Actually it felt way too nice!"

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