c h a p t e r_t w e n t y: cat and mouse

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Banging the glassed window with her hand with so much force she can muster, feeling the pain on her palms all together with frustration due to the fact it stayed intact, Y/n cursed whatever the glass was made off, as she stared off the distance of the view the window had provided her. It was like freedom was so close yet so far, it makes her hopes die down just as she build it up from the idea of leaving the room and back to her house.

Tears dried up on her cheeks and the messy room was a result of her hysteria from trying to come up with an escape plan for the past hours, still, she found nothing to help her get out of her imprisonment.

After a minute or so that seemed like forever, the door to 'her' room opened, and her attention quickly shifted over to the person who entered the vicinity, "Oh it's just you." She lamented crossing her arms over her chest. Sounding uninterested at his presence.

"You seem disappointed to see me."

"Because I am." Mikko chuckled ignoring her reply, pulling Y/n by her waist as he pressed a chaste kiss on her cheeks, she trudged away from his hold, "I like what you did with the room."

He spoke still keeping a firm grip on her, she rolled her eyes as she glared at him, "I know, figured it needs a little makeover." She said sarcastically, shoving him in the chest.

As she's giving a side glance at the open door, without much hesitation she ran outside, ignoring what consequences she might've received, Mikko laughed out loud seeing as how desperate the maiden to leave the room, slowly turning into a sour mood before chasing after her.

And so the cat and mouse game started.

Y/n ran like a madman on the hallway of the castle, the male was hot on her tail, if only she was cautious enough nor she planned everything out she would've escaped successfully, without much casualties.

Aiming the weapon on her ankles as Mikko pulled the trigger, Y/n let out a pained cry as she fell on the floor, feeling the pain burning on her ankle as the blood dripped from the wound, she started to sob pathetically.

She was then lifted from the ground by Mikko, as he walked towards the infirmary of the palace to get her patched up, "I never wanted to hurt you, but you left me no choice."

"I just wanted to go home." She cried.

"You are home already." Mikko persisted, desperation lacing his voice.

Y/n winced as the doctor wrapped her ankle with the bandage, though it hurts, her mind was concentrated in projecting her anger towards Mikko, is through glaring daggers unto his form, he on the other hand took it as an excuse to flaunt himself.

She grimaced at his attempts on whatever he was doing, "Thank you doctor, now can you please leave." Mikko's voice cut through the silenced atmosphere, the doctor in question nodded before leaving silently.

The prince then sat down on the bed where Y/n was, "Do you think you can still walk?" He asked, at the girl rather unsure.

"I was shot in the ankle, I can manage no biggie."

"I'm serious, if so then you'll be missing out the funeral."

Y/n tilted her head in confusion,' Just how much happened when she was back at the room?'

"The queens funeral to be specific." He finished.

"Mikko I'm sorry." She said though she may hate him for taking her from her home, losing a family member let alone your mother is hard for a person, "Oh don't be, I was the one who killed her after all."


"You heard me love."

"Now what do you want to eat for dinner?"

"ጎነ ፕዘልፕ ነፕዐዪሃ ቿሀቿክ ቻልጎዪሃፕልረቿ?"

- To Be Continued

𝐔𝐍𝐒𝐏𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐍 𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐘𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐄Where stories live. Discover now