c h a p t e r_f o u r: business is business

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Holding tightly on the sides of the swing, Y/n was staring at the scenery far ahead, which happened to be the garden of their mansion, the girl was around 6 years of age when this moment occurred, it was the time where she met Curtis Merri.

Just like any other afternoon the girl was on the swing, proclaiming it as her own. Having a nanny that'll hold a parasol above her head as she did so, it was a rather tedious job even so it seems easy sounding. Her brother Lucian was older than her, but young nonetheless, they were usually seen or heard fighting for a turn at the swing, but this day was one of the days were the garden was seemingly quiet.

Stopping her swing as Y/n glared at her brother who's coming towards her with a grin on his face, "That's my little sister." Pointing towards her, and behind him a figure as the same height as his shoulders came into sight.

Given the fact her brother was a tall child, her once angered expression was exchanged with a curious one, when she made eye contact with her brother's companion, "You have two sisters?" He asked, Lucian nodded.

"I envy you." The blue haired kid shuddered at his new friend's statement, "Trust me, she might look kind but deep down she's a greedy monster who won't share the swing." His voice wasn't quiet so the girl heard his reply, which resulted in her glaring at Lucian.

Now they were both in front of Y/n whom was still sitting on the swing, "Hi, my names Curtis." He introduced himself rather timidly, her brother was beside him, patting him in the back. Y/n looked up at him, feeling her heart started to race, "Hi."

"My name is Y/n."

"What a fine lady aren't ya?" Scarlet bellowed impressed by seeing the rumored perfect girl of Oleander. Not expecting her to uphold the rumor of what she looked like, people tend to twists words when it comes to rumors. Y/n greeted her at the counter of their jewelry business, whilst looking calm and collected on the outside, inside on the other hand felt like cold water being dumped in her head, the moment the queen herself walked through the glass doors.

"Thank you, your highness." She bowed her head in a curtsey to show respect, Scarlet let out an amused chuckle, "It's nothing."

"Y/n where are your manners? stand properly." A new person added up, Martha scolded her with a hard glare in her eyes, as she presented a fake smile upfront, Y/n tensed at her mother's passive-aggressive tone, "I got your jewelry ready, my queen." turning to the royalty, who seem to be smiling giddily at her. Specifically.

"You must be her mother I presume?" She asked now making a small talk, giving Y/n enough time to sneak out, but only to be pulled back by Martha holding her forearms tightly, keeping her in place beside her. "Why yes." She boasted at Scarlet noticing how enticed she was towards Y/n, meaning it was a good opening to have royalties connection.

"My, you have such a beautiful daughter." She mused as her violet eyes met Y/n's E/c eyes.

For a few while both of the woman conversed as if they were long time friends, with Y/n on the sidelines listening to them, occasionally getting asked questions.

A person then intervened their time as she whispered something in the queens ear and to the two maiden before retreating and leaving without sparing them a glance once again, she let out a sigh before turning back to Martha with a sympathetic smile, "I must cut our time short, unfortunately,"

"We have to catch up in the future."

"No problem your highness."

She giggled at Martha as she clasped their hands together, "Call me Scarlet, we are friends are we not?"

"Of course we are, Scarlet."

Peeking through the thick velvet curtains as she witnessed the treatment towards a certain maiden, her heart ached at the sight as she tried not to make it seems so obvious to ones eyes, turning her heel away from the scene as she wiped the strayed tears from her cheeks.

'I can be better.'

Sitting on the bench silently staring at the man made pond before her, entranced by the fishes that swam ever so gracefully under the water, along with the lotuses and lily pads scattered, floating on the water. She was alone, only for a moment.

Not long after, someone sat beside her,
Peering over to her shoulders to see Curtis.

It has been years since they've met, Y/n was 16 years of age, Curtis was a bit older than her,
He was a good friend for them, because her brother won't be at peace if his only close friend won't be in good terms with his siblings. Hence the male is close to the L/n siblings.

"Oh hi." She said, unconsciously scooting closer to him;

"I find it rather confusing how this activity of yours entertaining." He chuckled, copying her action, now side by side they sat closely, "It's oddly relaxing to watch them."

"Hmm." He hummed, leaning his head unto her shoulder, which made the girl tense, "Don't be too tense Y/n." He muttered, "You can get to enjoy your time with the fishes, and i-

"Get to enjoy watching them swim with you by my side." He stated casually, unbeknownst to him, the effect he has on the girl beside him.

- To Be Continued

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