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"Look away Emma, your innocence will be tainted!" Y/n screeched panicking at the sight before her, slapping her hand around the girl's eyes, as she was guided out of the room, "Now did you see anything?" Sternly she questioned the blushing Emma.

she shook her head in a dismissive manner, "Good."

Dismissing her quickly, she returned to the room bracing herself for what she was about to do.

Approaching Mikko's unconscious form, she held a warm towel in her trembling hands, looking from side to side making sure nobody was there to witness, Y/n then slowly pressed the cloth on his bare chest, her face heated up as she started to dry his chest.

If someone would walk in at this moment, a scandal would uphold by the looks of it, a half-naked man on a women's bed, and to top it all off both of them aren't married.

Making her way down to his abdomen, a hand caught her wrist Y/n gasped as she glanced at the prince's smirking face.

"If you wanted me that bad, you could've asked."

Y/n felt like her soul leaving her body, "It's not what it meant I swear-" juggling her words defending her side, to which he smirked deviously, "Sure?" He paused, whence eyeing her.

"I'm willing to give myself to you." Pulling her to him with his surprising strength for someone who's not feeling well.

Physically that is.

Burying his head on the crook of her neck, inhaling her intoxicating scent he smiled against her skin, whence Y/n  is stiff as a rock not knowing what to do in such situations.


"Shh, let's stay like this Y/n please." He pleaded whispering on her ear, as his hot breath fanning her earlobe she shuddered, getting herself comfortable in his grasp, letting him do what he wants for now, At least.

"mhhm, you smell so good." He mumbled against her skin, causing shivers down her spine, feeling his hands on her lower back pressing her closer to him as her hand was pressed in his chest.

"Put your arms around me, or your arms will be sore."

"No thanks."

"Do it."

She sighed as she hooked her arms around him, as he smiled deviously in her neck, "Good girl." And that his hand made its way to her thighs guiding her leg to tangle around his before retreating his hand back at her lower back, casually pressing their bodies closer. Like a puzzle that fit together perfectly.

"Doesn't this feel much better?"

"I guess so." She murmured as her hands softly played with his hair.

n e x t _ f i l e

𝐔𝐍𝐒𝐏𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐍 𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐘𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐄Where stories live. Discover now