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Strawberry Picking, is the very first activity on his list with Y/n. Something simple and romantic in which they can feed each other strawberries and she then will realize her feelings for him, therefore she'll fall in love with him and eventually they'll kiss-


now that's settled Mikko paced back and forth in his room, still in a robe and an open wardrobe stressing over a perfect outfit. "Ugh!" banging his head at the post of his bed, frustrated by how hard it is to come up with a simple presentable outfit, that's not too much but will impress her.

'How can a woman choose an outfit easily?' He thought recalling his stylists who are mostly women, he now just realized how their job is not easy.

"What? do you mind repeating what you just said." the said male asked the younger noble before him making sure he wasn't hearing things wrong, "As I said, she's in another town with my brother at the moment," Alora explained to him.

Noticing his distressed state, she offered a kind smile at him, "I can keep you company for the day your highness." Alora felt her heart stammer at the thought of them hanging out together, Mikko grimaced at the thought on the other hand.

"No thank you I'll come back tomorrow." He deadpanned turning the other way to leave the girl.

"I'll be a great company I swear!" She shouted at the prince who is somehow farther than her,

"You're too young for that Ms." Emma commented upon arriving on time to witness the scene, "Shut it." Alora huffed in aggravation before storming inside the manor.

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𝐔𝐍𝐒𝐏𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐍 𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐘𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐄Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt