c h a p t e r_f i v e: infuriated

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True to her words, Scarlet sent an invitation to the L/n, addressed specifically to Y/n and Martha. To get to know her new friends better, she says upon relaying the story of how she met Oleander's pride and joy. Aside from the royal family of course.

Oh how happy was her mother to receive such a privilege, to enter the palace for a tea time with the queen, once in a lifetime experience, and it wouldn't be plausible without her daughter, Y/n. However, the girl in question wanted to point out how far-fetched the queen was willing to invite someone she met for a day.

'Shouldn't she be cautious about letting people wander inside the castle?'

Knowing her mother she wouldn't want to pop her bubble. By the looks of it, her mom throughout the past few days after receiving the invitation, boasted her friendship with the queen to her circle of friends, earning an envious response from them.

And that was the amusing part her mother takes pleasure off, being envied by people it was an ego boost really.

Now seated on one of the carriages owned by the royal family beside her mother, all glammed up for the meeting, biting her inner cheek, as a way to soothe her anxiety. Martha however held her head high with such pride, "Y/n I expect you to act your best ok?" she said to the girl beside her sternly.

"Yes mother."

"Good, you wouldn't want to tarnish our good image would you."

Alas now that they arrived at the gates of the royal palace, her mothers eyes went wide like saucers, she fanned herself as she gawked at the majestic and breath taking it is on the inside than in the outside.

"My my ,Y/n I must thank you for landing us a jackpot." Martha spoke, not bothering to look at her direction. Can you blame her though? Having to witness the palace up close and the fact they were granted the privilege to enter it. Feels like a fever dream.

The coach came to stop, the chauffer from the palace opened the wooden doors, helping Y/n and her mother out of the vehicle, they bowed greeting them monotonously before guiding to where the queen, currently resided.

As they halts into the grand hallways of the castle, Martha's eyes sparkled seeing the artifacts displayed in every corner and paintings from ales painters that cost a hefty amount of price.

Y/n didn't look as happy as her mother was, she is in fact happy but she doesn't want to be presented here, 'Do I sound ungrateful?' she knows that her mother is exploiting her at the moment in time. As long as her mother is happy, her life wouldn't be miserable.

Upon arriving at the door, the butler knocked at the wooden barrier, a faint voice came from the inside, he nodded as he opened the door for both L/n women to enter.

"Finally you're here, I've been waiting for quiet a while now." The queen beckoned as they both entered the vicinity, Martha let out a breathy laugh, apologizing whence Y/n smiled awkwardly.

They both sat on the opposite ends of the table as the queen still had a smile on her face, as her sights lingered on Y/n's figure. Just simply observing how she moved. Martha started to gush to the queen about a random topic she assumed the queen might be interested with, of course Scarlet was engrossed with the conversation.

But still kept glances to Y/n in the corner of her eyes, putting her hand up the air, stopping the older L/n from speaking as she turned fully to the girl beside her, "Y/n right?, why are you so quiet dearie?" She asked softly at the girl. Being put in such situation, she froze as she glanced at her mother and at the queen.

"Umm- "

"Don't mind her much, she's a little-"

"I wasn't talking to you." The queen snapped at Martha, immediately silencing her.

"What was that Y/n?"

"I apologize but I don't know what to say to you."

"My queen." The simple statement she replied, lowering down her head, the queen hummed in delight at her politeness before turning back to Martha, who's cursing her daughter in her mind.

"Say Martha, have you discussed marriage towards Y/n before?" She asked with an eerie smile on her face. Prying her attention away from the younger. Momentarily.

"I did, and yet we're in pursuit of suitors as of late."

"It won't be long, we'll find someone sooner." Martha said now smiling, despite the raging storms and fiery ablaze in her mind as her fury towards Y/n grew by the minute, feeling the embarrassment still seeped in her memory.

Y/n shifted in her seat as she glanced at the window, anxiety coursed in her veins, seeing as how her mother was holding her anger in, it's scaring her.

- To Be Continued

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