c h a p t e r_s e v e n: broken ego

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The L/n manor is a peaceful and serene place, most of the time.

Now that the occupants have to be ready for the ball, ever since morning everyone has been busy. Not one rested or caught their breath, just to make everything perfect. 

A yawn escaped the maiden's mouth, she felt her E/c drooping leaning her head onto her brother's shoulder for support, he glanced at her amusingly as they now await for the coach to arrive at the palace. "Why are you sleeping at this time!" Alora exclaimed across them, Y/n shrugged too tired to answer, recalling the brutal 'etiquette classes' her mother had put her in.

Plus waking up early in the morning for the preparation.

"Just let her be."

"Easy for you to say, all you have to do is put on a suit and be on your merry way." The younger L/n snapped at Lucian with an irk mark on her forehead indicating her annoyance.

He on the other hand rolled his E/c eyes, "You're just like our mother." he mumbled under his breath.

Didn't think that Alora could hear, she lowered her gaze at his form, "I am nothing like her."

Time seems to pass by slowly and it was excruciating, for the thick tension two of her siblings had created on the vehicle they were on, as none of them both uttered a word or two. As it only was sliced by the coach arrived at the palace, the door flung open as a hand extended to take Aloras hands as the chauffer helped her out of the carriage; Then Lucian followed and so on.

Three of them stood at the side of he grand entrance, waiting for the coach their parents.

That was a moment ago, now that they have entered the palace, her family went astray from what they have discussed earlier. She sighed as she was walking amongst the sea of nobles, not knowing what to do nor recognize anyone.

her eyes scanned the venue of the ball, stars appeared as the sight of where the finest cuisines and delicacies reside, she moved her way towards the long table as she gleamed. Reaching out for the cupcake a chuckle stopped her midway, Y/n snapped her attention to the person, "Even in these events, you still have priorities straight towards food." Curtis acknowledged.

Feeling as embarrassment creep up to her, "Who doesn't love free food?" replying coyly Curtis merely hummed as a noble approached him he excused himself from Y/n as he entertained the person.

A rush of paranoia washed over her as she felt like someone's been watching her like a hawk.

Randomly looking at a direction, she was met with the eyes of violet. Trying to look away from the prince, Mikko let out a disgust expression eyeing the maidens form from top to bottom, judging her thoroughly.

As he made his way towards her, she turned around grabbing the cupcake in hand, shoving the sweet pastry in her mouth, praying that the prince will pass by her.

Her hopes shattered upon a great force made her turn to the other direction, cranking her neck to the height of Mikko, he grimaced at her seeing as how she ate the whole cake.

"How may I help you?" She spoke patting her chest for digesting the cupcake quickly, "Do you not know how to respect?" He answered with a question agitating Y/n as she sent a glare at him, reluctantly she bowed.

Now back in her feet she muttered an excuse to leave not wanting to be near his presence she was of course pulled back by the prince, "I'm giving you a one time experience of a lifetime." He mused as Y/n stared at him rather confused.

"Dance with me, My lady." Leaning in to her hand as he pressed a soft peck on her knuckles, still maintaining eye contact with the girl, hating to admit how beautiful his eyes looked, flustered at his gesture she retrieved her hand from his hold.


"Prince Mikko was it?" A voice stopped her from speaking further, shifting his attention at the perpetrator he forced a smile at the person, "Yes and you must be?" Trailing off as he was unaware that he was in the presence of his sworn enemy.

"Curtis Merri, your highness." Bowing showing his respects to the royal, trying not to scoff at his pathetic form, he nodded in acknowledgement, "Shall we Y/n?" He then went back to asking the maiden who's just as confused to as how he knew her name.

"Actually I'm taking her first to dance, apologies my prince." The brown haired male cut through again, now leading Y/n to the dance floor, without sparing him time to respond. Balling his fists to his sides, 'How dare he humiliate me like that!' there it is, the feeling of his ego shattering.

- To Be Continued

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