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News more like rumors travel fast, in the palace of Oleander, especially with the presence of the infamous L/n, more specifically Y/n being all friendly with the eccentric queen, sparked quite the conversation amongst the servants. Who would pass up a good conversation starter? Certainly not the people serving the royal family. And their friends outside the castle too.

As Mikko strides in the hallway with his neutral exterior, after fencing, he was on the way to his sleeping chambers when a servant of two was gushing rather obnoxiously. Normally he would ignore them but not until a brief mention of his mother, he slowly crept closer for a glimpse of the conversation.

"Do you think the queen is choosing Prince Mikko a wife?"

"It would seem so." The other responded, he frowned at the topic before rolling his purple eyes.

'Ugh, what has my mother dragged me into now?'

"Mother, you called?"Mikko's icy voice cut through the instrumental music blasting in the background, Scarlet merely hummed in response gesturing her son to sit across from her. He abided as he made himself comfortable in the cushion of the seat, "I want you to visit someone." She said with a smile on her face.

"Is this about a girl?" He pinched the bridge of his nose annoyingly, "Yes, I believe I found you a suitable wife."

"You will like her too, if you see her for yourself."

"What if I don't want to?"

"You will."

"No I don't, I hate it when you control my life as if you know my life better and know what my future needs." He exclaimed neutrally irritated, "Watch your tone ijo!"

"It's not a favor, you wouldn't want for Curtis to court this girl first."

"Their family are close to each other."

Rolling his eyes mentally,' There it is again' He pondered wanting to rip his gold hair and strangle the woman in front of him with it.

A weird way to kill someone, but it'll do the trick, hopefully.

"Tomorrow you must pay your visits, the earlier the better." She finished off, as her violet eyes scanned the male in front, a salacious smile tug on her lips. 

n e x t_ f i l e

False alarm.....i will be updating afterall😈

𝐔𝐍𝐒𝐏𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐍 𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐘𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐄Where stories live. Discover now