Chapter 31: My Shoulders

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Taehyung was obliged to stay at his parent's house. He was always bored. Always alone. Despite wanting to every second, he stopped himself from messaging Jungkook during his class hours. He didn't want him to be distracted. Instead he begged for the attention of practically anyone he sees around the house. Except for his dad. He watched the house helps do their task while asking them about their lives. He even tried to help them when he can. He would barged in to their mother's room and join her in online shopping, masking, scrubs, massages and nail care sessions. He would observe Jisoo while she cooked and order her around. If she's not doing her wife duties, he would drag her to the game room and play video games with her. He would annoy and prank call Seokjin while he was in his office.

Taehyung was dressing his wound when he heard a knock on his door.

"Come in."

Seokjin appeared in view. "Come, dinner is ready."

Taehyung nodded. He walked out and went ahead of his brother who was glaring at him with arms over his chest.


"I told you not to call me when I'm in a meeting! Why are you ordering pizza from me?!" He complained.

"How could you? That's not me. You think I have spare time to do prank calls?" Taehyung denied.

"You used our home telephone!"

Seokjin was truthfully pranked the first and second time Taehyung called. After that he was just mostly annoyed. But when it happened again and again, he learned to just give Taehyung the attention he wanted. He would pretend that he was infuriated and would blatantly complain in front of his face. He just indulged and endured him. He knew that he was extremely bored and quite possibly sad being cooped up at home.

The family ate in silence. They were strangely complete. Their dad who does not often join them during dinners was with them.

Taehyung was waiting for their dad to leave the table. He wanted to go back to his room.

"Jin, Jisoo. You can go up to your room." Mr. Kim commanded. "You too, honey."

Seokjin and Taehyung exchanged looks. Jisoo glanced at Seokjin. He smiled and nodded his head.

"I'm leaving first. Goodnight mom, dad, Taehyung." She bowed.

"Goodnight, dear." Their mother spoke. Jisoo left. "What will you talk to Taetae about?"

Mr. Kim brought out his phone. He showed them the screen.

"This tabloid has a blind item story about a family's second son who is hiding a lover."

Seokjin gulped. Taehyung raised his chin.

"The lover is also a man." He continued.

Their mother raised a finger to her temple and widened her eyes.

"There was no name. But everything describes you, Taehyung! Is this true?!"

Taehyung held his father's gaze in an equally sharp manner.

"That's ridiculous! Do you think our son is gay?!" Their mother interrupted. "He's very manly, strong and handsome. He can't be that. He's not that! Right, Taetae?"

Taehyung looked disappointedly at her. Then he shifted his eyes to Seokjin. Seokjin subtly shook his head.

"I heard rumors that you slept around with both women and men." He added coldly.

"That's a baseless rumor, dad. Both of them." Seokjin finally said. "Tae is not very amiable. People don't like him. That's why they go around making things up. Especially now."

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