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Shanhai baby is five and a half years old


set up

turn off the lights




Chapter 18

Have a good breakfast!

Hu Yuan made delicious brown sugar steamed buns, fragrant egg custard, selected a few fresh broccoli flowers, blanched them in water, picked them up and put them on a plate, poured in an appropriate amount of soy sauce and a few drops of sesame oil for seasoning.

Lin Xiaoyuan sat down, picked up her own cutlery, and ate it obediently.

Jiang Yu swung her tail around Hu Yuan, Luo Lin went to the window sill where the sun was shining, and seated herself in the shape of an elegant teapot.

Since her father made that rule, Lin Xiaoyuan has never seen the human form of the two of them again.

They hardly ever eat in front of people, and they never pay attention to the feeding of guests.

This is probably the restraint of the beast.

After a while, Lin Yanhe got up and went downstairs.

At his request, Hu Yuan brought a large bowl of wonton noodles.

Today is Sunday, and he will take the school bus back to school in the afternoon. For the next two months, he will not go home unless it is necessary.

When Lin Xiaoyuan turned one year old, Lin Zhulong set the first rule for the family: in daily life, do not use spells.

This is for my daughter and for everyone.

A person's life is short and fulfilling. Since there is such a beginning, it is better to be more serious and focus more. While growing up with the kite, you can experience your own 'life'.

To this end, he specially asked Jiang Yu and Luo Lin to re-select.

Dogs and cats are cute, but in the final analysis they are domestic pets, and they are somewhat restricted in movement and other aspects. In general, they are not as convenient as humanoids.

Jiang Yu has become a popular star in the community. Every day, she sneaks around by herself, visits from house to house, acts like a spoiled child with this person, makes that person scratch her belly, and then tastes the fresh cake baked by the host's house. .

The dog is very good, he will not change!

Luo Lin has always been afraid of trouble, especially the grandson of Dean Zhuang's family. He has only shown a human figure once and played a snowball fight in front of him. He still remembers her firmly...

It's too troublesome to be a human being, it's better to be a cat. He ignores everyone, and Luo Lin doesn't change it.

Finally, Lin Yanhe, the problem he faces is very straightforward: study first.

As the first person in the family to be banned from spells, Lin Yanhe independently engaged in a year of study, from the back of the grade crane to the top ten, and chased behind Zhou Zhan for a while, and the sense of achievement was unparalleled.

He felt that being a human being and being a student was very interesting!

No matter what Jiang Yuluolin chooses, he has decided to continue his studies. He will be admitted to NTU in the future, which is the university where Professor Zhou teaches. The major is to be determined. , can stay at home.

Shan Hai Baby is Five and a half years oldWhere stories live. Discover now