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Shanhai baby is five and a half years old


set up

turn off the lights




Chapter 16

"Don't worry, even if the thunder comes, his thunder won't hit my boundary." What

Zhou Di could think of, Lin Zhulong thought of it long ago, and made perfect preparations.

Living for a long time does not mean living enough or getting tired of living.

Even for the sake of his precious daughter, Lin Zhulong must ensure that he is safe for a hundred years and guard this corner of safety.

Taotie saw what he was thinking was written on his face, with an intoxicated expression of 'my daughter is the cutest in the world and does not accept refutation', and couldn't help but wonder: "Is it so happy to raise a child?"

He was there when he entered the park that day and night.

The dumplings in the swaddles are real, and the frailty is also real. In the blink of an eye, it's almost four months, and it's still so small...

Today, he specially made food for her, and the little guy just sipped it lightly. Hu Yuan took him away.

It is said that the stomach of the human cubs is not fully developed and the digestion is not good, so they cannot be fed now.

Thinking of the beginning of the day, when he first had a body, he only thought about eating. The more he ate, the faster he grew, and only later did he gradually open his mind.

Taotie is full of sympathy for Lin Xiaoyuan, who can only drink brewed milk powder.

However, the way she sips the fish and meat is really cute. The cherry-like little mouth moves every time, and every time she tastes it carefully, it moves the meaty cheeks, like the elastic white jade steamed buns in the steamer.

You Qi's big eyes with pure brilliance stared at him without blinking, as if he wanted to remember him.

Well, it should be remembered.

It is such an honor that the delicious food tasted for the first time in his life came from his gluttonous hands.

No, she is still so young now, and their human forgetfulness is so big, when she grows up, how can she still remember the delicious taste she tasted today?

Taotie thought too much without realizing it, frowning for a while, raising his eyebrows for a while, and then for a while, the pair of handsome brows twitched again, and he didn't even hear Zhulong's reply to him, "You can't experience the joy of raising children."

Lin Zhulong didn't bother him either, leaving him to remember.

Hu Yuan is very nice, but he is Professor Zhou's big housekeeper and will leave sooner or later.

Lin Zhulong can arrange food, clothing, housing and transportation for his daughter properly. The only thing is that he has learned a good cooking skill. Then he will be busy with his career and cannot stay in the kitchen for a long time to study dishes.

Usually there are three sons of Zhong Shan to help, and after all the calculations, the family has a cook alone.

The gluttonous cooking skills, that's not to be said...

Shan Hai Baby is Five and a half years oldOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz