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Shanhai baby is five and a half years old


set up

turn off the lights




Chapter 15

Lin Xiaoyuan guessed almost instantly that the aunt was contacting Taotie!

His voice is very characteristic, Lang Lang's juvenile voice, and there is obvious world-weariness in his slow words.

Living like a wandering soul, holding the words 'boring' on his head for a long time, he has no interest in everything in this world... At

today's house party, my father invited him three times before and after - all rejected!

Ten thousand! Ten thousand! No! think! arrive!

The aunt actually hooked him up with 'cooking', and she did it for a group of people who, in his mouth, 'would be noisy if you think about it'.

Legend has it that it symbolizes greed and has an endless desire to eat gluttonous beasts. His greatest interest is cooking?

Judging from the brief content of the call, he was extremely addicted to it!

It has been more than a month since the first meeting in the park, Lin Xiaoyuan still remembers everyone's exquisite and gorgeous human form, but she has never seen Taotie.


Hu Yuan received strong foreign aid, so he took out the vegetables and went to wash in front of the sink with peace of mind, and looked forward to: "Master Taotie's cooking skills are full of praise even for the chef, and his heroic appearance when cooking is even more impressive.

" After reminding Zhong Wanli, she became troubled by the phone that had been hung up, "Forgot to tell him, let him wear a low-key dress."

Hu Yuan was already immersed in a beautiful imagination: "Remember that the taotie adults love Tang suits, all kinds of gorgeous brocades, The stacked embroidery is lifelike, but no matter how beautiful it is, it is not one-thousandth of the appearance of the adult Taotie."

Zhong Wanli hummed softly: "

It is also rare for a fierce beast to transform into a skin that will bring disaster to the country and the people." The recognition of the nine-tailed fox-sama who is a disaster for the country and the people!

Lin Xiaoyuan in the stroller: "Hey, ah-wow!"

Translation: It can be said that she is very curious!

At five o'clock, Liu Ruizan's in-laws came to pick up the twins and are waiting at home now.

She and Sun Quan left the Lin family temporarily with a son in their arms. Lu Anan and the painter Ai Yuqing followed behind. The former went home to change into casual clothes, and the latter fed the cat owner.

There were scattered snow foam outside, or maybe it was just larger water droplets condensed by water molecules in the air.

It is rainy in Nancheng, and everyone has long been surprised by such weather in winter.

The four of them chatted about the ingenious glass room of the Lin family, and walked out laughing and talking. They were still standing on the steps of the front yard. They saw a black antique car turned into a corner and slowly parked in front of the main entrance of the Lin family.

Shan Hai Baby is Five and a half years oldWhere stories live. Discover now