Happy Birthday

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Its my birthday.I was on Vlive for armys. I was singing the songs that armys has requisted. It was almost time 12.00, when i heard the continuous knock on my room door. My heart almost skipped a beat at the sudden sound. There was hobi hyung with a cake. He started singing birthday song along with army. Ofcourse i know army is also singing me happy birthday song. He gave me a back hug and went out leaving me and army alone to continue the party. I was looking at the comments, all i could see is "happy birthday jk" and "party party yeah!". Armys are cute, they are always so supportive, they appreciate everything i do, even it is stupid, thats actually heartwarming. I started singing again, i did not notice its almost 01.09AM. I asked armys if i can continue up to 01.30AM. But then i realized there is this thing called timezone. So other armys must be feeling exausted. So i decided to stop the Vlive.

After the vlive i checked my twitter. Suga hyung posted a tweet saying " 15 year old jk became 25 year old" I got shy after reading that. I was scrolling through the comments. There was some cute comments and then there was some thristy armys. i chuckled at some comments. Scrolling through i saw another post, from NAMJOON HYUNG......! i was shooked to see the caption he posted along our selca.

He also mentioned the songs I have been singing.
WHAT.......!!!! HE WAS WATCHING MY VLIVE !!! I was happy shy emmbarresed, i was experiencing all the emotions at once. My face became red my body became hot. have i told you before? i have a crush on namjoon hyung. I know I should not but look at him he is so hot, smart, he is the best leader, he is so good at rapping, making music, writing good lyrics. he is my idol, he is my hero, I joined bighit just to stand beside namjoon hyung. He looked so cool. *sigh* Brushing off all the thoughts i went to sleep.

I got on my bed trying to sleep but all i could do was think about namjoon hyung. I cant anymore. I got out of room and went to Namjoon hyungs room. I dont know what i'm doing but fuck it I want to see Namjoon hyung. I was standing in front of hyungs room i was about to knock the door slowly. My heart started beating really fast it felt like i am gonna passout. Gathering all the courage i had i knocked at his door. I got response immediately. "come in." hyung said. I slowly opened the door, there was my hyung, my idol, my hero, etc.. sitting on his bed leaning on his headboard half naked. I mean he was only wearing his shorts. I gasped at the sight. I decided to believe it was not obvious and he did not notice. I got in.

Namjoom's POV:

I heard a knock on my door, so asked whoever the person knocking on my door to come in. Its Our Birthday boy. But for some reason he looked like he just saw his favorite snack, his mouth hung open and his eyes were expanded, he looked so cute. I chuckled at his state and welcomed him to my room.

"Hyung can I sleep in your room today" jungoo asked.

"sure kookie. Is my birthday baby scared to sleep alone in his room?" I asked clearly knowing he does not like it when he is treated like a baby. But it was a surprising that he did not show much reaction. Like he did not show any anger, instead he lowered his face and seemed to be embarrassed and his face got red. May be he WAS scared. I felt sad that i teased him when he came to me for his comfort.

I reached his hand and pulled him for a hug as I was singing him happy birthday song. He gave me his bunny smile which was so cute. I took him on my bed.

" Make yourself comfortable kookie, do you need another blanket or is it ok to share the same blanky with me?" i asked.

" Its ok hyung", he said shyly.

we made ourselves comfortable on my bed and I made the lights go dim.

Jungoo's POV:

we were on hyung's bed. I was so nervous, I stayed stiff, I can't breath normally, my heart started beating fast, sweat started forming all over my body. I tried to look at hyung. He was facing the opposite side from me. I think he fell asleep. I was struggling to decide. I wanted to touch him. I wanted to feel his touch. I faced towards him, he was sleeping peacefully. we shared the same blanket, i can see his broad naked back in the dim light. His chest slowly raising and falling as he was breathing, such an incredible sight in front of me. I can't take my eyes off. I was admiring his beautiful honey glow skin and his dark brown hair. I wanted to see his face but was too afraid he would wake up. As the time was moving the only sound i can hear was his soft breathing and my rapid heartbeat. I started moving towards him without even realising. I got so close to his neck.

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