Chapter 31

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Lola, you must save Phoenix - from herself.......

Sunlight was cracking through the drawn curtains, cascading illuminated streams of beautiful angelic light, that fell across the face of Miss Toulouse as she slept.

The ladies had all gathered in the kitchen to fill up on tea and toast to keep up their strength to face this new day and what it might bring.

But I felt unable to leave her alone, I felt the fear radiate from her body it swirled in my gut like nausea, so when no one was watching, I took the tiny bag of soil that we had retrieved from the tree, the covens meeting place and I scattered it around Miss Toulouse bed. I don't know what compelled me to do this but I hoped it would protect her from whatever was keeping her trapped within her mind and keep her safe from any possible dangers this side of reality.

Occasionally she would toss and turn as if fighting to free herself from some unknown force but her eyes never opened - the wicked grasp they had clutched on to her soul was too strong.

I would talk to her hoping she could follow my voice and return to us "Miss Toulouse it's me, Lola, we are all here - we need you to come back to us... I need you".

But my broken words fell on deaf ears.

I wished I could crawl into her mind and bring her home to us. I grasped tightly her tiny hands within mine, I leaned in close and slowly whispered in her ear "let me feel what you're feeling".

For a few minutes I hovered above her frozen hoping for some revelation that would give me a glimpse of hope but there was nothing.

I placed her tiny hands back down onto the bed ever so gently as if they were made of glass, I fixed her cover so she was tucked in - it wasn't necessary but you find yourself doing mundane things to occupy the mind when you have nothing but time on your hands.

Deflated by my futile attempt, I got up to leave and join the ladies downstairs but before I could move a foot away from the bed, I was stopped dead in my tracks with a warm searing pain shooting up my arm, it felt electric sparking at all my nerves and scattered around my body. I looked down to see Miss Toulouse's tiny hands in a vice-like grip on my wrist.

The once illuminated bedroom became suddenly dark and unwelcoming "You're afraid".

Tears began to prick at my eyes, her fear was so overpowering it was flowing out of me through her connection but there was more, it was tinged with other emotions - sadness, grief and anger.

"I need more, make me feel more, I know you can do Miss Toulouse.... Please show me".

Overwhelming heat pulsated through me as if I was on fire, it was excruciating. It started at my feet and worked its way up as if flames were clawing at my bare skin. Sweat dripped from my brow, my body is violently shaking beneath her touch as if it's gone into shock.

I rambled out aloud hoping, trying to piece together the puzzle that you were trying to show me "Fire, flames - are you in the fire ... No, no it's not you, it's not that ... it's someone else ... your scared but it's not for you... It's for someone else... Someone else who's in the fire or"

Realisation crashes down "You're scared for someone who IS the fire ....Phoenix".

The warmth that had passed through her to me ceased and all that was left was a tingle upon my skin- I was right, she's scared for Phoenix but why?

"Why are you scared" I frantically screamed but the moment was gone "please is Phoenix in danger?" I pleaded but she didn't respond, there was nothing, she was like an empty shell once again.

The darkness from the room had lifted and the light flooded in once again as if nothing had ever happened. But it had happened, I felt residual fear and pain from Miss Toulouse deep within me.

I don't know what I'm to do with this information but I knew I must tell Ally straight away. It had to mean something.

Miss Toulouse wasn't scared for herself, she was scared for Phoenix - she was trying to warn me, we need to protect her - but how and from what?

My scrambled thoughts were cut short by a piercing scream that echoed through the house, like a sonic boom, rippling and penetrating each room.

I could hear and feel it within my very soul, it was a gut-wrenching, terrified scream and it sounded like it was coming from Phoenix.

I could hear and feel it within my very soul, it was a gut-wrenching, terrified scream and it sounded like it was coming from Phoenix

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