Chapter 4

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"Sssshhhh don't say a word, you need to wake up now".

Father's face is inches from away from mine, his eyes bulging with the look of  sheer panic whilst he is trying to keep his voice steady and calm but he is failing as the words come out cracked and distorted.
Sluggishly I sit up, my eyes slowly adjusting to the darkness that has consumed my bedroom brought on by the night.

"We don't have much time, you need to get up and pack a bag, only take what you need and couldn't live without".

I go to speak, to ask what this is all about but before a single word is able to slip from my lips his finger is firmly pressed against my mouth "don't say a word, please trust me, I know as a father I've failed you a thousand times over, I've not protected you when I should have but you have to give me one more chance and trust me".

Obediently I gently nod and get up to pack a small suit case he's laid out on the bottom of my bed, the whole time unaware what I'm packing for or where.

In that moment all I know for certain is his fear is filling up my tiny modest bedroom and making it hard to breath.

Once packed he tells me to get dressed, I grab whatever is to hand and hurriedly put it on, the whole time I'm transfixed but my father, he's on edge, he's constantly looking out in to the hallway or stopping in tracks to listen out like a rabbit frozen in fear awaiting for a large predator to jump out and maul him to death.

He picks up my suitcase then gestures for me to follow him, in to the hallway.  In the long dark hallway all that can be heard is the ticking of the click that echoes through out the house as if it was it's heart beat.

We tip toe, aware of every crack and creak from every loose floorboard, cautiously we step down the stairs, where my father nods for me to go through the kitchen to the backdoor, which has been unusually left open. Once in the back garden we pick up the pace and our swift walk becomes running to the garden gate, where we rush out into the alley that runs down behind our house, there is a stream of light that cascades down from the street light - this is where we stop.

His breath is ragged, his body slumps with exhaustion then he pulls me into a embrace,a hug so tight and full of love that it takes me by surprise because it's unlike anything I've felt or known before.

"I'm so sorry" he sobs as he holds on tightly to me.

"What's going on dad?"

He releases me from his tight embrace but holds on firmly to my shoulders as if he scared I'd float off, he does this so I can take in every hushed word he's abut t say  "I heard your mother on the phone to the pastor,  they intend to send you away ... to cure you of your demons".

Salty tear rolls down my face and trickles on to my dry lips, realisation of what she intends to do to me. I know what he trying to say, she is going to send me to the gay conversion therapy group, it's not spoken about other than in muttered moments with gossiping elders, this abuse is hidden underneath the words therapy and their answer to anything they don't understand or want to comprehend. It's called therapy but ultimately it's brutal backwards punishment to shape or break your mind to become what they would deem a good Christian.

"I have failed you my child thousand times over, I will not fail you again. Run, go to a place where you can be your true self".

"Where will I go" I sob, knowing this will probably be the last time I will ever get to see him again.

He holds my tear stained face and pulls me in so our forehead our touching, this is breaking his heart to say goodbye to his only child but it is also the most bravest thing I've ever known him to do - for him to stand beside me, he's only child instead of cower behind her.

"The world is your oyster, make your mark, find your people who will love and embrace you. But whatever you do don't ever look back" he looks up at our house "there is nothing here my child but darkness, it would only dampen your light".

His words swell and break my heart at the same time but there is no time for me reply as the moment is broken, we both see the light in mothers bedroom turn in, the beast has awoken.

He releases me, wipes his eyes with the back off his hand then pushes an envelope he had in his back pocket firmly into my hand.

"You need to go now, the next train to London is in 15 minute, run and you'll make it".

"I don't want to leave you here dad".

"It's to late for me but it's not for you, now go".

A truly honest smile spreads across his face, something I'd not seen in many years, happiness in knowing he was doing the right thing for me his child.

I knew in that moment me leaving was not just a victory for me but for him also, he would finally after all theses years be standing up to her and being heard, I knew there would be consequences for him doing this for me but also knew he'd pay that price gladly because now he could sleep with a clear conscience.

So I did as he asked not just to save my sanity from what she had planned for me but to protect both of our souls.

I ran as fast as my legs would carry me and I never looked back, just as he'd ask me to do.
But I made a vow to myself that night, I may never look back but I would never forget my beautiful father, my hero, my saviour.

But I made a vow to myself that night, I may never look back but I would never forget my beautiful father, my hero, my saviour

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