Chapter 23

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Lola's past comes knocking but Ally answers ....

Do you ever feel like every person around you has become blind to your existence?
You do and do for them but is goes by unrecognised - there is no gratitude, no appreciation.
You try desperately for them to see you but nothing works. Slowly day by day you start to vanish until you're nothing more than a ghost of a person, of what you should be.

At first this breaks your heart, to have the people you love the most in the world not care if you're there or not. But that heartbreak becomes tainted and rotten, like a black mould that spreads wickedly from your heart to your mind until your heartbreak becomes hate.

The less they see you, the less you start care.

Until you're completely gone - physically you're still there but you're just a shell of a person, the mind has checked out. That was Lola's life.

That was Lola's existence before her father set her free and gave this beautiful soul the chance to be who and what Lola was always destined to be, so to see the tormentor, the mother on our doorstep who I recognise from a single picture that is stuck inside of Lola's wardrobe like a dirty little secret.

I know this person will only bring back all the pain Lola had worked so hard to bury. Many wasted years had been spent being something she wanted Lola to be at the price of Lola's very own mental health and it still wasn't ever good enough for her.

"Hello, can I help you?" I innocently play along well aware who this person is.

She shuffles under my steely police officer gaze that's taken me years to master.

"I'm Ally.... As I said how can I help you?".

"I'm looking for my son" she snaps, not making eye contact with me.

I look her up and down, amazed at how such cruelty can be wrapped up in such a magnolia boring packaging. Her little cardigan and sensible flat shoes are all so unremarkable and dull - yet the glint in her eye is pure venom.

She is edgy, clearly uncomfortable at being seen outside our home as she bounces from foot to foot.
"I'm sorry I can't help you" I sweetly mutter, then I begin to shut the door, so to contain the crazy outside where it belongs, when suddenly the little nervous dormouse shows her true colours and wedges her sensible footwear in the door frame, making it impossible for me to the shut the door without breaking her foot (not a problem for me) but unfortunately causing a scene and alerting Lola, who's upstairs, to her arrival.

"I'm going nowhere" she snarls as her lips curls back and she hisses through her gapped, stained teeth.

"Get your foot bitch out the way before I break".

A demented grin spreads over her face "You can't hurt me sinner, I have the mighty lord watching over me" as soon as the words trickle out it gives her the boost to ramp up the drama " House of the damned, release my son so I am able to restore him back to Gods' good graces and return him home" she screams as spit flies from her cruel mouth.

The temptation to arrest her and chuck her in the cells is hard to push back, but I know it's always best to try keep my two lives separate, plus creating charges against her (as temping as it is) wouldn't solve anything.

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