Chapter 17

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Phoenix, decision needs to be made.....
Dust has settled, the truth has been revealed, now is the time to decide - do I stand and fight or run?

I awake to find Lola curled up beside me, snoring like a purring cat - arms linked around me like a protective shield, it's alien to me to have a protector. I'm so used to looking out for myself, I've become guarded to everyone, it's nice to be able to lower my wall, safe in the knowledge that I have someone on my side.

I wriggle ever so gently to slide myself out of Lola's tight grasp, then I shimmy down the bed so as not to disturb Lola and the much needed slumber. Tip-toeing out the bedroom, I'm surprised by how quiet the house is when everyone is still safely asleep and tucked up in their warm beds.

I hear the floorboards creak with every step I take, it's as if I'm gently waking the dozing house and it's yawning into action, the boiler growls as the timed heating kicks in, the radiators start to rattle, as if life starts to flow through them.

Cross legged I shuffle to the toilet desperate for a wee - grateful I'm the first one up so there is no fight for the bathroom, as a line of disgruntled women scream at each other through the bathroom door "get a move on" or "what are you bloody doing in there".

Sat here on the throne, I take in my brief moment of peace before I'm overwhelmed with the start of the day.

As I wash my hands, I catch my reflection in the bathroom mirror, exhaustion is etched on my face from recent events, dark bags circle under my sunken eyes that make me seem older than my years, I stretch out my weary body that is tight and tired, like an old rusty robot. I splash some ice cold water onto my face in the hope to wake myself up.

I look up again at the bathroom mirror hoping the ice water may have done something to help with my haggard appearance or at the very least made me appear more awake but I'm startled by the reflection that is looking back at me - this isn't my face.

The face mirrors my actions, my initial startled jump back, then my curious expression as I leaned in to closer inspect this curious occurrence.

Then the beautiful face roars into a loud laughter as if it's in on a cruel joke I'm unaware of - her profile  is probably the most stunning face I've ever seen, so beautiful shes almost hypnotic to look at, it's as if she has put me in a trance, with her aquatic blue eyes that shine like diamonds, plump lips, silky straight blonde hair that frames her porcelain features as if she was a picture.

She stops laughing, her face just held in a smile but I notice, as welcoming as the smile is, it doesn't reach her eyes. Then I realise it's not a smile, it's a sneer.

I edge back slowly, desperately not wanting to take my eyes off her but knowing in my soul, I shouldn't be too close.

"Phoenix" she quietly whispers as if her words are trapped within the mirror "Phoenix come closer".

Her voice is soothing like a thousand humming birds, it washes gently over me, calming and pacifying every urge I have to run out screaming.

"Phoenix come closer?" she beckons.

"What... who are you?"...I nervously stutter.

"Phoenix, my darling girl I've been looking for you, come closer".

Gingerly I step forward as if my body is now under her control, the closer I get the stronger her pull is. It's as if I'm a kite floating in the wind and she's guiding me back to the grassy ground.

"Who are you?" I repeat.

"You know who I'am, you can feel it deep within the pit of your stomach, in your very soul .... I'm your coven sister".

Her words ramble around in my head, it's as if I know the answer but I can't recall it, like when your doing a crossword and it's there in front of you but you fight to make sense of it.

"Sister" I mindlessly repeat.

"Yes Phoenix - sister".

Like lightning striking my brain alights with the word I'm searching for "You're Evelyn" her hold on me is broken as I see her once beautiful eyes become jet black. I jump back wanting to put as much distance as possible between me and the one Miss Toulouse has warned me about. But she's just as quick, her hand what was once young and beautiful now resembles a withered arthritic claw, it comes out through the mirror and grabs hold of a chunk of my hair, her twisted bone like fingers wrapping my hair around like a fork does to spaghetti, rage now splashed all over her perfect complexion, she pulls me frantically forward.

I put my foot up on the sink and push myself back, mustering all the strength I have but it's not enough as she effortlessly drags me forward - I scream out as loud as my voice will permit clinging on to the basin praying it won't give way.

I howl for help because I know if she pulls me into the mirror I will be lost forever.

"Phoenix don't fight me" she hisses "I've killed you before you little snivelling bitch, don't think I won't do it again, you and your pathetic coven".

The bathroom door flies open revealing Miss Toulouse in all her glory, flowery nightie and her hair in rollers, she runs to my side and glares at the reflection "Remember me, treacherous whore, we are coming for you" she snarls before spitting at the mirror.

Evelyn's laughter, now shrill and cruel in tone, echoes around us "How old you've become sister, decrypted weak feeble old woman" she mocks.

"Ohh fuck off" Miss Toulouse bites back then raises her stick and smashes the mirror. Instantly cutting any magical connection Evelyn had to me, I fly backwards as her wicked grasp is released, the withered claw retracting hastily into the mirror, her face fades as the shards of glass crash down into the basin and smashing upon the ground.

"She was always a cocky Bitch" Miss Toulouse casually comments as I scramble out the bathroom falling into the arms of the lady residents, who have been alerted by my screaming, they surround and hold me like a safety net, without questions and only love.

In that moment my mind was made up, these were some of the most broken damaged women I'd have ever met, they had been through horrific ordeals that would crush most people but they still get up every morning and fight to survive, they still found love in their hearts to hold me, in my hour of need  - I will fight like them, I will stop Evelyn and I will protect all women from her, if it's the last thing I do.

In that moment my mind was made up, these were some of the most broken damaged women I'd have ever met, they had been through horrific ordeals that would crush most people but they still get up every morning and fight to survive, they still found ...

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