Chapter 14

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Lolas love ......

Phoenix's restless body is tossing and turning as her dreams seem to torture her, I silently watch, wishing I knew how to make this all better for her.

When Miss Toulouse found me I felt like I'd found a missing part I'd always been looking for, she came like a shinning light and guided me home, I know for Ally she felt grounded by Miss Toulouse, she gave her clarity amongst the storm that is life but for Phoenix it feels different.

The fire that burns within her is so strong - the power I felt within her when she burnt that vile guy to a pile of ash was like nothing I'd ever come across before. With every action, there is emotion linked to it. It started as gut churning fear that flooded her every thought but as the flame ripped through her tiny body, that emotion was burnt away and all that was left was pain.

It wasn't the pain of what was happening or what she was doing but a deep rooted pain buried inside her heart that she was losing control, as if the power was addictive and there was apart of her that liked it.

On some level I can understand it, when life has kicked you down repeatedly and you feel like nothing more than a worthless entity, unloved and not wanted by anyone, something inside you changes, it distorts - you see the world in a very different way.

It twists and bitters the soul.

I know this because I've lived this and I truly believe if my father hadn't have saved me that day, I dread to think the person I'd have become, repressed, angry lost soul with no true identity to call my own.

If Miss Toulouse hadn't arrived in my life and taught me how to harness my gift instead of blocking it deep within myself; I would have become a ticking time bomb waiting to go off and maybe use my gift in a negative way instead of trying to help others.

I look at little Phoenix and I just see a young girl, still in many ways a child. The world has beat her black and blue and made her grow up before her years.

She calls out in her sleep to her grandmother, begging for her to stay with her, not leave her. The death of her grandmother has left a black mark in her heart, she was the last person Phoenix felt true real love from. Since then she's been tossed from care home to foster home with little regard. Just another child in the system.

I know she told me she's 18 but I know she can't be older than 15/16, you can't kid a kidder. Her eyes may be older where it's seen many things it shouldn't have but her soul is still that of a child.

Ally doesn't view her the same, she sees Phoenix has a liability, unpredictable and dangerous and maybe she's right but I can't help feeling a deep need to protect her from herself.

Miss Toulouse believes for us to stop Evelyn we must be united, i would never for a second doubt her intentions, she has done more for others in her life (myself included) than most people could even consider, let alone accomplish. But I wonder, Phoenix is physically capable of going up against Evelyn but is she mentally strong enough.

She starts to sob in her sleep, I slide off my bed and tip toe over to her. Her tears run down her face as she weeps for her grandmother. Tenderly I stroke her hair, ever so gently so as not to wake her but hoping she can feel my presence and it gives her some comfort amongst the nightmare she's trapped in.

"Please don't leave me" she whispers through sobs.

My heart breaks, I know that feeling of utter loneliness. Without thinking I wrap my arms around her tiny little frame as tightly as i can, it's as if I'm trying to shield her from any harm that may come and I slide on to the bed beside her. She doesn't stir or wake but her sobs gently subside in the safety of my arms.

"It's ok Phoenix, I'm here, I won't leave you".

There I lay holding her like a mother does whilst trying to comfort her child, not that my mother ever would have considered to comfort me. She had no love in her heart to share with me, but unlike her I have plenty.

In the dead of the night, while the moon shined and the stars sparkled, I made a sleeping Phoenix a promise, I would be there for her what ever she decided to do, I will protect and most of all I will love her.

I went with out knowing what love felt like for along time, my little Phoenix won't suffer the same anymore. She will wake up every morning and go to sleep every night knowing that I will always be there for her.

Maybe one day, hopefully the nightmares will stop completely and the pain will fade away - until then I will hold you tight so your no longer alone as you battle through your nightmares.

Maybe one day, hopefully the nightmares will stop completely and the pain will fade away - until then I will hold you tight so your no longer alone as you battle through your nightmares

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