Chapter 10 - Undisclosed

Start from the beginning

"Jolie," Alecto breathed. "You are more of a sight than the newspapers show."

Deciding not to reply, Jolie raised her chin, straightening her shoulders. She didn't know whether that was a compliment or not. Despite being family, she did not know this woman.

"You are beautiful," her aunt continued. "Who knew Felix could create such a thing."

Again, Jolie said nothing. The woman laughed softly to herself, barely a breath.

"Lucky for you," she went on, "you greatly resemble your mother. Amélie always was a sight to behold."

As Alecto spoke, her eyes began to glance about the room.

"This bedroom used to be our mother's," she told Jolie. "Did you know that?"

Jolie had to keep her eyebrows from raising. She had not known that. She responded with only a shake of her head. Alecto nodded slowly as she continued to look around, as though she were reminiscing.

"Our parents—your grandparents—they were not exactly a... conventional pair," said Alecto. "Mother preferred her own space, needed her privacy. Father stayed in the master suite alone."

Jolie remained silent.

Alecto gestured to the area of flooring in front of her. "May I?"

With a hesitant nod of affirmation from Jolie, Alecto stepped over the threshold and pointed to the large bay window.

"She kept her bed just there," she informed. "She told me it was because she wished to 'wake with the sun'. Always a whimsical one, Mother was. You and your sisters would have loved her."

Jolie didn't think that was likely considering the tyrannical, bigoted views she knew her paternal grandparents to have had.

"Father liked to keep his bed chambers darkened," Alecto went on. "The drapes were always drawn. Mother often joked that he was nocturnal—she'd say he was likely a bat in another life."

She laughed softly at the memory. Jolie stared.

"You leave the drapes open like Mother did," Alecto murmured. "You're no bat, are you?"

Jolie shook her head. Alecto tutted.

"If I know my brother, I know your manners are better than this. Speak aloud, dear," she instructed.

"No," Jolie said slowly, "I am, undoubtedly, not a bat."

Alecto grinned, taking another step further into the room. She raised a hand towards the wardrobe.

"Your uncle, Amycus, and I would hide in there when your father was meant to watch us—"

"What do you want?" Jolie finally asked, cutting off her newly-acquainted aunt.

For whatever reason, Alecto seemed to like this question. Her thin lips stretched into a full smile, revealing a set of straight, stained teeth.

"Feisty," she commented.

Jolie sniffed. "Some would say vigilant."

"Whatever makes you believe you have need of caution around your family?"

Considering the question, Jolie thought about the warnings her father had given of his younger siblings. Then, she remembered that she was equally as cautious around him nowadays due to his betrayal.

George's words suddenly echoed through her mind once more. Blood doesn't mean family.

"Family is not ancestral entitlement. It is the ones you care for. It is familiar," Jolie finally answered. "You are anything but."

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