Final battle

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Nobody's POV

To say she was frustrated is an understatement.

"I can't believe she just did that!" Aunt Zoe said annoyed, "Wait a sec! Of course I can!"

Despite the fact that she told them to wait for backup....Barbie decided to ditch the direct order and hung up on her like that.

Ms. Z glared at the phone for a second.
"Once we we're back at the agency, you're going to be in lots of trouble, young lady," she muttered.

With that she spun on her heels.

"Ms. Z, what is our next move?" One of the agents asked.

"We'll be stopping the culprits from getting away," she replied sternly.

Barbie's POV

"Hah," his deep chuckle rumbled low in his throat. "You can't hurt me with that puny thing. I mapped out its properties when I ordered Lazlo to build it. I know all it's strengths and weaknesses."

He rolled up his sleeves up to his elbows. "You forget little girl that I spent many more years than you in the I3. I was once one if their best agents and most skilled fighters."

"I'll take my chances," I said with a grin.

"Oh well. It's your funeral."

I stroke the Gliss on the ground, using it like a pole to vault myself over him. I landed on his back then draped the handle of my Gliss on his neck, to try and strangle him.

I underestimated him however, because he body slammed me over onto the yacht's deck.

I winced in pain, I may have cracked a couple of ribs when Dunbar crashed me onto the platform, but I stood up anyway.

Without a warning Dunbar grabbed a sword that was hanging on the wall and lunged at me.

I jumped out of the way.
"Whoa careful! That thing should be in a damn museum!" I exclaimed.

He laughed instead.
"This may be old..but it's still sharp enough to use it on you."

I quickly dodged his first move. I needed a plan real fast!

I glanced at the wall to see another sword right there.
I quickly grabbed it.

Right then he attacked me again. I quickly used my sword as a shield.
I pushed his sword off and tried to kick his sword.
But without a warning he grabbed my wrist tightly and tried to strike me with his sword.
I jumped out of the way but his sword hit my side.

"Ahh," I yelped in pain holding my blood was flowing from my wound.

I fell on the ground...dropping my sword.

As I clutched her side, I eyed the Gliss- which was incidentally behind Dunbar. I thrusted a hand out and her weapon flies towards my hand. Unfortunately Dunbar forsees this and catches the Gliss before I could.

In a blink of an eye, he had disassembled it into pieces. Then the chucks those pieces overboard and into the sea.

Great! This couldn't get any worse.

In a desperate effort, I tried to hit his face with a spin kick but he easily blocks my foot with his strong arm then grabbed my leg to threw me against a wall.

My head started to spin.
I groaned in pain.

Yep! I definitely had a concussion. I couldn't move anymore much less stand.

Now weaponless, Dunbar towered over me with a smug grin while I clutched my side in pain.

"Heh. Any last words Agent Roberts?"

I tried to back away from him.

Dunbar picked up his gun. Then he pointed it at me. Then he clicked off the safety.

But then he smirked.
"Nah! This isn't fun."

Oh boy!

He walked over me.
And without a warning he put his foot on my neck.

I gasped...trying to breathe.

He's going to strangle me to death.

I kept on struggling as he laughed.
Soon I had no fight left in me.

I felt my energy draining.

Am I dying?

As the thought crossed my mind my urge to breathe stopped.

My life was flashing before my eyes.

I wish I had a chance to say goodbye to my family.
Mom, dad, I'm sorry.
Skipper, Stacie, Chelsea, I'm sorry....I wish I could prevent all of this from happening.

I'm so sorry. You're the best, the most supportive and loyal friend I could ask for.

I gasped once more before my darkness took over. you.

But then I heard a solid 'thunk' like someone got hit on the head with a heavy object.

Suddenly my neck was released. I managed to open my eyes a bit to see Dunbar fell face flat onto the deck and behind him Ken held a thick metal rod in his hands.

But right then darkness took over.

The last thing I heard was Ken's desperate cry calling my name.

A/N: 🤭🤭🤭
Sorry I LOVE cliffhangers!

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