Nice party trick!

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Barbie's POV

I inspected the centerpiece above. It was a skeleton of a Pterodactyl fossil about 25 feet long and 15 feet wide so it will definitely stir quite the commotion if it “suddenly” snaps off its chain.

I pointed to it. “I’m gonna need to you girls to toss me over to that dinosaur.”

They looked up then at each other.

“Uh are you sure about this?” Renee asks.

“Yeah.” I nodded unconvincingly. “It’ll be fine.”
I wasn't really sure about it myself. But it was worth a try.

“You heard her.” Patricia snapped her fingers then held out her arms. “Come on. Basket toss formation.”

She, Renee, Teresa gathered together and grabbed each others wrist to form a small square with their arms in the middle.

I stepped back a bit to do a track start. A rogue rock rubble sailed over my head making me realize I needed to do this fast before the bloodshed increased.

I took off then jumped into my friends arms with my feet. The other three then used all their might and pushed their conjoined arms upward. Propelling me into the air and landing onto the hanging statue.

Luckily no one noticed that I just made my way all the way up there. I pulled out a knife she picked up earlier then proceeded to do as plan.

She saw the thick ropes attached to the bones of the giant skeleton and slashes it. Once she cuts to the last rope, the whole centerpiece came tumbling down straight onto the battlefield.

“Incoming!” Blake shouted as he saw the bones falling towards him. Ken had to tackle him out of the way so the kid wouldn't get crushed.

I quickly climbed down as dust was everywhere.

Right then I saw Dunbar dropped something.

I gasped as I realized it was a detonator....just like the one I borrowed from Lazlo.

What if....that detonator is what he is using to blow up the South Pole?

"Alright! Done. Now what?" Renee asked.

"Cover me!" I exclaimed as I rushed towards the detonator.

"Where are you going?" Patricia asked confused.
I didn't have time to explain though. I quickly grabbed the detonator.

But then I'd realized if he couldn't find it, he was going to realize that someone snuck it.

I pulled out the detonator Lazlo gave me and placed it right there.

I quickly rushed to where my friends where.

"We need to get out of here," I said seriously.

"Dunbar is planning to drown half of the world...we can't just leave!" Teresa hissed.

"He won't be able to anymore....we need to get out of here before he figures out my trick," I said as I carefully showed them the detonator.

"Whoa...nice party trick," Ken chuckled as I blushed at his compliment.

" was nice...yet I'm the Cat Burglar here," Patricia replied as I chuckled.

"Of course, Patricia....of course," I said, "Anyways, Ken, Blake, Patricia! You three, come with me. Renee, Teresa, you help Ms. Z," I said.

With that we ran towards the exit.


Ms. Z looked around to see what caused the centerpiece to collapse.

With dust covering the area she couldn't see much...but she saw Barbie grab something from the ground.

Ms. Z found Dunbar and quickly lunged at him and they got in a fight.

"In just a couple of minutes you can say goodbye to your precious agency," he laughed as he threw a punch which Ms. Z dodged the attack.

She knew he was trying to get a reaction out of her....but she was determined not to show any reactions.

"Yeah sure!" she hissed.

"I didn't know that you were best friends with one of the Roberts," he mocked.

Her eyes were widened in shock.

"If I knew that, I would have made her suffer," he laughed.

Oh that was it!
Screw not showing reactions!

She attacked him lashing out in anger.
Dunbar smirked as he got the reaction he wanted and with one kick he caught her off the guard.

"Blade! Is everything ready?" he asked.

"Yes, boss," he replied.

He picked up a detonator from the ground.

Ms. Z gasped knowing exactly what that was.

"Well...too bad you and your agents failed this time," he said as he pressed the button.

Dunbar glanced down at a monitor of a picture of his computer to see nothing happened.

His cockiness turned to annoyance.
He pressed the button on the detonator a couple more times. Then he started pounding on it with his fist.

"Isn't it working?" Vlad asked confused.

"If it was working, this satellite image of Antarctica would have just lit up like a disco ball!" Dunbar growled, "Do you see anything like that happening?"

On the computer, Antarctica looked exactly the same as it had for the past few minutes.

"Did you put fresh batteries in the detonator?" Pearlman suggested.

"Of course I did!" Dunbar yelled, "Do I look like an amateur to you?!"

"Maybe you gotta stop punching the button," Marlo suggested, "Before you break it."

"It's already broken," Dunbar grumbled, "Stupid piece of garbage! I don't understand. This damn thing was working just fine when I ran the test.....," he trailed off....a thought crossed his mind.

The same thought crossed Ms. Z's mind.

It was really strange how the detonator stopped working the moment Dunbar needed it.

Lucky she must say....but still suspicious.

Her eyes widened as she remembered Barbie asking about that type of detonator and how she claimed Marlo had one of those and she asked to borrow one of those.

She glanced at the fallen centerpiece...this could not be an accident.

And right after it she saw Barbie near the detonator.

She immediately spun around to where she had last seen Barbie.

To her surprise she wasn't there.
Instead she saw Barbie, clutching the real detonator with Patricia, Ken and a kid running towards the exit.

Unfortunately Dunbar realized the same thing.

"Get them!" he yelled at his henchmen.

A/N: Hahaha Barbie tricked Dunbar!!

Anyways, quick announcement! I won't be able to upload as often as I did because we're kinda out of internet and I only have access to it at nights when my dad is home and I can get hotspot from his mobile data.
But I'll try to upload as much as I can 😉

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