We won....you lost

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Nobody's POV

Ken couldn't breathe.

"BARBIE!!" he cried.
The blonde girl laid unconscious right in front of him.

His heart was beating so fast.
He dropped the metal and knelt beside her.

She isn't breathing!!

He quickly started giving her CPR.

"Come on! You can't leave me like this, Barbie!" he sobbed.

Tears were streaming down his eyes as he kept on pushing her chest.
His eyes went wide as he saw her bleeding side.

He quickly took off his scarf and wrapped it around her in an attempt to stop the bleeding.

"Ken! We took care of others!" Renee exclaimed, "JESUS CHRIST! What happened to her?!"

Ken couldn't respond. The only thing he was focused on right now was rescuing Barbie.

Right then Patricia, Teresa and Blake rushed over.
They gasped in shock at what they saw.

"I'll never give up on you, Barbie," he whispered to her as he kissed the girl's forehead.

The next thing he knew Barbie started coughing and gasping.

Ken pulled her in a hug while sobbing on her shoulder and stroking her hair.

Barbie's POV

What the-
What was going on?

“K-Ken?” I asked in confusion as she coughed a bit more rubbing my sore neck...I quickly remembered everything that happened.

“Yeah, we’re here,” he said, "And you're safe. You're going to be okay."

"We thought you were on a vacation to afterlife. So how was your trip to the land of the dead?" Patricia joked...trying to hide her relief.

I chuckled.
"Peachy!" I replied jokingly as I coughed giving a thumbs up, "Anyways....where are the rest of the bad guys?"

“We’ve taken care of Marlo and the others.” Teresa reported. “They’re down below, tied them up in the storage unit.”

“Didn’t put much of a fight as I hoped but I suppse it will do.” Patricia bragged making all of us laugh.

I struggled to stand up but I suddenly felt dizzy.
Ken grabbed my arm.
"Easy there. I got you."

Time Skip
20 minutes later

Ms Z and the rest of her reinforcements arrive at the yacht.

When they boarded, she just stared at the scene... probably in shock
“You did all this?” She pointed at us.

Teresa awkwardly rubs her arm. “We’re sorry, Ms Z. But we couldn’t stand by knowing that the bad guys are about to escape.”

“We know that’s not an excuse to disregard your orders but…” I built off from my friend. “… but we didn’t want them to get away again.”

“Please don’t be mad, Aunt Zoe.” Renee finishes. “We just did what we thought was right.”

Patricia kept silent, having felt ashamed and guilty for disobeying her supervisor. Actually we all felt that way.

But then Ms Z surprises us by bringing us all into a group hug.

“I’m so proud of you all,” she said, with happy tears in her eyes. “And do not worry, all is forgiven.”

I smiled feeling relived for the first time this whole mess started.

"But next time....be more careful," Ms. Z added.

Right then I saw my family outside of the ship.
I was about to run towards them when I felt the burning pain in my side and the feeling of dizziness didn't get better.

Before I could fall Aunt Z grabbed my arm.

"Whao....Barbie...are you alright?!" Ms. Z asked.

"I think she may have cracked some ribs with the way Dunbar crashed her to the ground....with a little bit of concussion when he threw her to the wall," Patricia replied.

I smiled awkwardly as Aunt Zoe sighed.
"You need to get checked up."

I nodded.

Time Skip
Twenty minutes later

"Wow...what a vacation," Ken started.
Ken glanced down at my bandaged side.
"Are you alright?" he asked concerned.
I nodded.
"I say!" I replied.

Right then my gaze fell on Dunbar who was about to be forced to the van.

"I will come back....this isn't the end!" he started yelling.

I got up. However I stumbled.

"Barbie, what are you doing?!" Ken hissed as he grabbed my arm trying to help me stand.

"Just wanted to give him a warning."

"Are you sure?" Ken asked worriedly, "What if he attacks you?!"

"Don't worry.... he's being restrained. There's nothing he can do to hurt me."

As Dunbar was yelling at everyone about how he was going to get revenge I approached him.

"Actually.... I'm looking forward to it," I said as I walked forward with Ken's help.

Dunbar turned to glare at me. If looks could kill, I would have been six feet under.

"I dare you to try pulling another stunt like this...but I can assure you that each time we're going to stop you. So it's better if you don't try and save yourself the embarrassment," I hissed as I had a smirk, "And I'm going to make sure you won't get out easy this time. You made yourself an enemy you're going to regret! Face it! We won....you lost!"

Renee, Teresa Patricia and Brooklyn stood by my side.

"Yeah! You mess with one of us, you mess with all of us," Renee said putting her hand on my shoulder.

"And we're not backing down a fight. No matter what it takes, we will stop whatever you would plan," Teresa snarled.

"So you'd better back off," Brooklyn added with a smirk.

Dunbar glared at all of us.
I glared at him in return.

Patricia stared at him for some minutes. Then to our surprise, she she grinned sticking out her tongue at him.

Then we all laughed.

"Heh! What makes you think you and your little family are safe now?! I can have my associates to kill all of you...and trust me I won't stop until I get my revenge!" he laughed.

"Cut the crap!" I gasped as I turned around to see Ms. Z, "Get him out of my sight," she ordered the agents.

And with that he was taken away.
"Did Aunt Zoe just....curse that guy?" Renee whispered to me as I chuckled.

"Nice one!" mom chuckled as she stood beside Ms. Z
And with that they fist bumped.

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry I'm late!
So I'm finally done with highschool....yay!

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