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Nobody's POV

" much as I hate to admit...but that Roberts girl isn't wrong. Preparing the ransom in such short notice is the task of impossible," Marlo pointed out.

Dunbar just shrugged.
" I don't care! If she really loves them that much... she'll get the money by the given time."

Right then his phone beeped.
He glanced down.

"Damn it!" he growled.
"What's wrong, boss?" Marlo asked.

"The weapons I ordered are not ready yet!! The weapon dealer should've brought it tonight!" Dunbar responded as he clenched his fists, "We're going to need more time."

With that he grabbed his phone.
"I guess we're giving that Roberts girl more time."

Barbie's POV

"Agent Roberts?! What does that mean?" Ken asked.

My jaw was dropped.

"Shit!" I muttered.

I opened my mouth to say something.
I sighed. This was bad.

"Barbie, who was that?!" Daisy asked.

I shook my head. "I don't know."

"And why the HELL did he call you 'Agent Roberts'?" Ken asked seriously.

Right then my phone beeped as I groaned.

It was a text.

Renee ran by my side and snatched the phone out of my hand.

"Two days! Bring the money in four days or else," Renee read the text out loud.

I rushed inside the room.

"Malibu....I believe you need to explain something to us," Brooklyn said as she stood next to others and crossed her arms.

"Yeah....I mean it's been a couple of months since I had a feeling that you guys are hiding something," Ken said as he pointed to me Renee and Teresa.

"And another question....what is an "I3"?" Nikki asked.

I glanced at Renee then Teresa.
"This situation can be threatening to them...we gotta tell them," I sighed.

"What are you talking about?" Ken asked.

I inhaled deeply.
"We are secret agents," I revealed.

Renee and Teresa stood by my side.

“Spies to he specific,” said Renee.

Teresa begins to explain. “We got recruited by this agency called the International Intelligence  and Innovation, or I3 for short, when we were 16. There they trained us to be spies and we have been working in secret ever since then.”

“We’re sorry we didn’t tell you.” I stepped in. “But you could have gotten in danger if you knew what we do.”

“Case in point.” Teresa sadly reminded them. “Some bad guys have kidnapped her family.”

Others looked at us shocked as I smiled awkwardly.

"OH MY GOD!" Can I tell Emmy and Rafa?!" Brooklyn exclaimed as she grabbed her phone.

I paled.
"NO!" Renee Teresa and I yelled in union as I snatched her phone out of her hands.

"Brooklyn, we already broke enough of rules!" I hissed, "And we can't risk anymore people getting into trouble!"

"But now what?! I don't want to die so soon," Renee exclaimed, "And Ms. Z won't be happy about this the slightest bit. She's going to boil us in hot oil! I STILL couldn't taste all of the pizzas in the world! I won't die a happy person if I die because of this mess!"

I sighed as I rolled my eyes.
"Ignore her. She tends to be really overdramatic," I replied.

"Good what?!" Teresa asked, "We can't be handing them the ransom. They're the enemies of the agency."

I thought for a moment.

"I have a plan...we have two days and we can make this work," I replied.

"I'm in... I'm not a spy. But I can't just sit aside and do nothing," Ken said as he got up.

"So am I!" Brooklyn joined in.

“Okay… first let’s go back to our rooms.” I suggested. “We cannot risk anyone eavesdropping in our conversation.”

They all nodded in agreement.

Back in the room…

“Now that our heads are level again. I think now is the best time to come up with a plan,” I said, looking around at everyone inside the room. “Any suggestions?”

Ken raised his hand.

"Yes?" I asked.

"I know as a fact that we need information on these people. They have advantage over us because they know more than us and we don't know anything about them other than the fact that they have a grudge against you. So we gotta investigate first," Ken suggested.

I smiled.
"That's a great idea. Even though we don't know anything we have that phone number," I said as I tossed my phone towards Teresa who caught it, "Teresa, track down the phone number they called me with. Renee, you get in touch with Ms. Z!"

They both nodded.

"But what if....we can't track down the number?" Teresa asked unsurely.

I smirked. "In that case I know someone who can."

"Who... exactly?" Nikki asked.

I grinned. "Teresa's biggest fan."

Teresa blushed and turned her head away pretending not to hear anything.

"Guys....we have a problem. I can't get in touch with Ms. Z! Her phone number isn't in reach anymore!"

I gasped in shock. Something was wrong!

At the villain’s headquarters…

Dunbar stood over behind Blade’s workstation. Quietly observing him do his job.

“Has the bomb deployed yet?” He asks.

Blade smirked proudly. “Yes the explosion has been set. I’m very sure that all the top agents and the agency itself won’t be operational for several days.”

“Hehe. Good.” Dunbar felt content. “Now there’s no chance those girls will get any reinforcements.”

“Shall we now execute our second phase, sir?” Blade looked up to him with eagerness.

“Yes. Order our men to now  abduct Barbie’s friends. We need seperate those three spies so they won’t be able to help each other. That’s when they’ll become vulnerable and that is when we strike.”

His tech guy immediately obeyed and pressed his intercoms to relay the message.

“Alright, team. Here’s what the boss wants.”

A/N: Welp guys! Shit is about to go down!
But what is his plan? Why would he need to bomb the agency?
Is it just to make sure Barbie wouldn't get any backup?

Let's see...let's see!

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