In trouble

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Barbie's POV

No! No! No!
This can't be!

I turned around.

"Long time no see...Glad to see that our paths had crossed once more."

I took a step back.
This was bad!

"Dunbar..... you're behind this!" I yelled.
He smirked as he pointed his gun to my chest.

He laughed... finding this a funny joke.

"I swear if any harm came to anyone, I will....," I said.

"You will do what? You're outnumbered and there's nothing you can do. If you play along, your loved ones will be safe...and if not, you'll reunite with them in afterlife....if it even exists that is."

I was about to attack but before I could do anything it seemed like he had read my mind.
He pressed his gun against my heart.

"Don't even think about it," he sneered.
I hesitated...a feeling of dread took over.

"Are you going to kill me now?" I asked.

"That depends on you, agent," he grinned, "But I don't hate the idea of spilling your blood right now. So I suggest you to be a good little girl and do as I tell you."

"You have the money now...just let others go! They have nothing to do with this!" I exclaimed as he pressed the gun tighter and clicked off the safety.

He laughed. "That's where you're wrong, child. I don't even need the money. You're the one I needed for my plan...which you stepped right into my trap."

Before I could process any of that his henchmen grabbed my arms tightly.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" I started screaming, "LET ME GO!! THIS WASN'T THE DEAL!"

“Take her to the dungeon!” Dunbar orders his men.

Before I knew it I was being dragged away.
I struggled to fight against my captors.
But they held my arms tighter causing me to yelp in pain.

I sighed...realizing there was no point.


Back in the base, Ms. Z and Lazlo were so shocked with what transpired just now.

“I can’t believe it,” Ms Z said in disbelief. “He’s back.”

Lazlo hands turned into fists and he slammed them onto the table in anger. “Dunbar! We should have known this sooner. No one is more diabolical than that guy.”

Renee and Teresa overheard their conversation (while they also watched what happened on the mini screens in their spy watch).

“Damn it!” Renee exclaims her frustration.

“Ms. Z should we drop in now?” We’re right above the target location. We can do the ambush now and save everyone before they get hurt.”

"One problem with that!" Patricia exclaimed, "What the hell is he going to do with the nuclear weapons? We don't know what's he's planning this time! And he has Barbie and others. What if he hurts them?!"

"What are we gonna do now?" Teresa asked.

"Wait a sec! Where's Ken?!" Patricia exclaimed, "I don't see him anywhere?"


Back at the enemy’s evil lair, Blake snuck out to find the boat Barbie came in with. He watched the scene unfold and Dunbar ordering his goons to imprison the girl for his plans.

Barbie: The mystery of Alliance Where stories live. Discover now